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Marketing Checkpoint

Wesley Studemire

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Everything posted by Wesley Studemire

  1. Hello, I would like to speak about the program MyEmailMentor. I joined it on June 23 and it seems to be going as projected within the compensation plan. After about 5 weeks here are my status . http://i1279.photobucket.com/albums/y527/wesleystudemire/my%20status_zpspsqttr7n.png Here is a copy of the plan as discribed in the back office of the site. http://i1279.photobucket.com/albums/y527/wesleystudemire/Commission%20status_zpsjutleddf.png So as you can see that the program does work as it has been said to work. Now, I've come to the assertion that to reach the pay-out status That a person has to do about 70 days to reach the gold. I'm a member of the facebook group called MyEmailMentors Masterminds and have seen prove of payment from others within the group with screen shots. As stated in an earlier post, the change in formats that have taken place as on July 1 does have an impact on how fast you reach the target goal. But I plan to reach the pay-out range by the next cycle on Aug. 25th. So to sum it all up, you have to be in the program at least 70 to 90 days to get anything from your 10 minute a week routine of placing your leads into the autoresponder provided by the program. Now, some have been paid before that goal. Why, I don't know but hey. For 10 minutes a week and $47 a month to get your list to click. It's not a bad way to make some residual income. If you can pay the price of the emailresponder. For me, the most important part of the program is you build your list while learning how the program works. will post my payment upon receiving it. Look for updates.
  2. Good day my fellow friends, I have found that the mailer that I use the most is List Return. The reason I choose to use this one, is that it's geared to Marketers. whart better persons to send am email to than a fellow marketer? They are more apt to responding to the offer and seem to be a better choice of building a Team of folllower thur List Return than most other email marketing platforms.
  3. The Why of what you are doing to effect the Income you are after. There are a few things that must be established , within your mindset before you can begin to see any kind of success online. And that must have an defined reason in your life in order to be successful for you. The first thing that must be known within yourself is what are your expectations and intentions of you starting your business? You might say, what does he mean, expectations? Do you have an idea of what you are going to get from the starting of your business venture? What kind of income are you expecting from your efforts? Do you know or have you thought about that? Yes, it’s common sense that you expect to make money, but do you have a realistic goal that you can say you have reached in your efforts? 100 dollars more a month? Several Thousands a month? What ranges have you put into place, to show you are heading toward you sense of success? Which in a nutshell, are you intentions of all your work, or what you could give someone else the insight of achieving with you? Success is something that depends on two things. Your mindset and your methods. The ratio is 90% mindset and 10% method. Some would disagree with this measure, but truth about success is it’s an inside job. It starts with the way you think about what success is to you.. Your clarity about what it is that you expect from your efforts has more to do with your mindset than the method that you use to get it. Success doesn’t happen by chance it comes with the change of how you see it. Think about it? If you can say that you are successful, by the number of products that you sell? Or is success the feeling of knowing that what you have shared with others can and will change the ways that they have been going at achieving success for themselves. So to say, the more helpful that you are in provide for another person, to duplicate your success, the more you shall receive in return. Does that make sense? Yes, that is the foundation of an successful mindset in Online Business. Think about it, one turns to two, which turns to four to infinity. That’s the true measure of success. Step one is developing the proper mindset for success and being honest with what you expect to happen and knowing what your intentions are according to your effort.
  4. It seems like there isn't enough time in a day to do what your mind thinks you can do. Time is an element that we as marketer have very little of, at first thought. But thru the practice of time development, we learn how to allocate time to get it done.
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