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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by paulserban

  1. A problem with some safelists is the fact that is not possible to send a mail to whole list as a free member. How can I know that the list is a good one to become a paid member? Stephan Berg can say me that TheLeadMagnet is #1, but when I can send a mail to 300 members from 17,000, the results are not so good. If I have won credits (thousand or more), I consider to let me to email all my credits, or give me a trial period to test the list! I plan to no surfing to these lists more than I need credits. I don't lose anything, but the site will lose traffic!
  2. Most safelists provides entry as a member for free. It's a good start to test that site. If you have good results, to become a paid member is just one step.
  3. I send emails from standard options and I have some traffic from there. It;s important to have a good message for attract the reader to click the link(s) from your message.
  4. I am according with you. Some sites offer 0.2 or 0.5 points for a page view. I am waiting the near feature when it would possible to send an email to 0.2 or 0.5 persons! I know that is important to have a list. Doesn't matter how big is the list, more important is to have a good relation with your list. There are some safelist where I have sensation that the owners are my enemies. They get the worst condition to work and there are a lot of restriction. I don't wonder when I receive an id more than 40,000, but list is only 1,500-2,000 members. The conditions are so bad, then the people come and then goes quickly!
  5. The traffic from Herculist is not at all good. It is weaker than from a list of 2,000 members. I am a gold member too!
  6. Sometime ago I discovered a member with over 50 accounts in Downlinebuilderdirect and another with more than 20 in Listbuildingmaximizer. I have written to the support and the replay was that cannot be detected these accounts. It's really true? In any case I have deleted my accounts from these sites, as their only measure has been to introduce clicks on icons (there were 200-300 messages per day!)
  7. I know your lists, I am a paid member to them and they are the best lists of mine. Thank you!
  8. I laughed a lot: Safelistking provides 0.5 points for surfing with clicking icons!!! What about the number o members? I have sensation that there are a lot of cheaters in these safelists. How is it possible to receive traffic 10 times more from a list that has ten times less members than another?
  9. Daily, in my inbox (or spam) are coming tens of offers like that. I report them like phishing to spam@uce.gov hopping somebody will do something with this scammers.
  10. Is not about to buy "lists", it's about "traffic"!
  11. Does anybody know what it is with the site: http://www.worldprofitassociates.com/, because I signed up, and I have not received any confirmation email? Is a scam, a trick, or they collect emails to sell further?
  12. I am surfing now and want to say that with my eyes on icons and numbers I don't see any page!!!
  13. I am according with Kenny, I surf manually and I know isn't so easy. But ... my time is to short and I don't want to waste my time clicking icons to Listavail for only 5 credits (I've never string to get required credits for sending minimum of emails)
  14. What's New!We have started to human condition, now we associate words with pictures in Viralsafemailer and Majestic12. I don't even know if owners of the sites are sadic or I am radically histrionic appetite staying subscribed in there?
  15. Ha! Ha! Ha! Listavail introduced icons for validation of every message! I don't know what to do: to cancel my subscription or to buy Safelist Pirate?
  16. Never you can post after exactly 24 hours, it will always appears delays. I use my Google calendar reminder, that tell me in my inbox and through pop-up on the screen
  17. A fact that I hate it very much is to validate each email (I'm considering sites that Nerdmailer, Mailourlist, Soaringmailer, Viralsafelistmailer, Globalsafelist, Theleadefect, etc. ) I have written to a few sites, and the answer was that they're doing this to thank the members that send emails. I don't understand how it can be their customers more satisfied if I give clicks on icons like a monkey in the laboratory. In fact timer is set to 5 to 10 seconds. Wouldn't be more satisfied their customers if the timer would be at 15-20 seconds and not those icons?
  18. Only one thing! Can we use real names of the sites? I do not want to be interpreted as unfair competition.
  19. If the moderators of this forum allow us to say what we like and what we don't like about these sites, I'd like to say more things about some safelistmailers. Possibly, the discussion may be useful for all of us, the users and the moderators of the safelistmailers.
  20. I think that buying a solo ads from somebody is the same thing, the same people over and over(!)
  21. I started to work with Hostgator and Namecheap and I am very pleased with their services. I chose to have good service and that's why I've chosen the Aweber email (some people like Getresponse) I don't think that WP has preferences by a site hosting, than in the case when they have common interests.
  22. Yes, I tried this variant, but ... totally inefficient!!! In any case, the question remain: how they drive massive traffic to a website?
  23. Oh, I see that this subject is tabu ... All the people say you to go forums, blogs, press release, article directory, etc., but about real traffic nobody says anything (!)
  24. I have more than 20 safelists, some of them paid, the rest as a free member. I am posting to the principal social media sites. I am posting ads to many sites. I bought ads from Facebook, and more ... But, I was able to bring traffic to the site only 400-700 visitors, seldom more than a thousand in a day. What is the technique used by the people that drive traffic in Fiverr? How is possible to get 10,000-25,000 visitors in 2-3 days? Do they use an software, a script, is only junk traffic?
  25. Not only one, I have three without timer!!!
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