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Everything posted by paulserban

  1. Is anybody here who is working with "Viral profilt mailer"? They changed the look, is animated now, but is not functional. When I try to send an email, doesn't appear the submit button. Also their contact is dead forever!
  2. Surf for credits so much you need to send an email, no more, don't waste your time!
  3. Still appear safelist mailers with a tab at a time and 1 credit per link. The best method to fix rules is to do surf as a free member, if you like it, than is OK!
  4. Is very hard to say which safelist is the best. There are a lot with good results, it depends on the criterion according to which do the classification.
  5. I have more than 300 safelist mailers and anyway I post at 3-4 days to them.
  6. Upgraded members pay for their facilities, the traffic is made by free members!
  7. I hope to be as good as before! And to have all my credits back in my account, too!
  8. I have noticed that many safelist mailers have improved the surfing and emailing rules! This is a good opportunity to improve their traffic and to attract more subscribers. I'll promote them all the time. Others, they have some rules that you are crying. As a free member you can send emails to 250-300 members, when you have thousands of credits from surfing. And even worse, there are some of them which allow to send only 50 emails to members!!! After I'll finish my credits, these safelists will be in my blacklist for ever!
  9. I just deleteted more then 300.000 emails from my inbox, from last month! I am thinking how much traffic is lost, how much work for sending these emails, how many unfilfiled hopes have made those who sent emails, ... There are millions of members who make the same opperation, it's aberrant!!!
  10. Daily I visit all sites of Darren Olander, because I have a lot of traffic from there. And from a short period of time, I am surfing to Redstarhits.com, it is very funny and gives me tons of traffic.
  11. I like more to use colors into a HTML message, where it is permitted by the sites. It's more sensitive for the eyes of the reader. But I respect the rule of 4: no more than 4 colors, no more than 4 fonts (this is a tip from Marlon Sanders). I use 2-4 color and 1-2 fonts, and also the bold or italic. But it must to respect the color combination, don't make a rainbow from your message. There are some sites that don't allow the HTML message, but I love them because they are in my top sites which bring me the traffic.
  12. marketersuniversitysafelist.com is out of the game!
  13. I didn't have any results with this site. In their stats it appears millions of clicks, but when I am looking in Google Analitycs or in Hostgator traffic, my link has some visitors. Strange, no?
  14. Thanks, Darren! I have a few fears as this web hosting is so "young". Indeed the support from Chis is very good and quicly.
  15. I activated the site again to https://lfmte-host.com, but I consider that a little bit expensive the price. In any case I'll stay at this hosting to see the results. Is anybody who has a safelist mailer to Blue Host? I am thinking to transfer all my sites to them and to abandon Hostgator for ever.
  16. Thanks Darren, I'll try to transfer my site there.
  17. I'm desperate! Hostgator just has suspended my website pizzasafelistmailer,com, because a safe list is considired as a spam! Which is the best recommandation for a hosting of a safelis mailer, without to have any problem? I need to transfer the site to another hosting, and I don't know how and what to do for this. Can anybody help me?
  18. I'm using Bitdefender Internet Security from 10 year ago and I have no problem with my system!
  19. Good advice, is only fake traffic there. I have a lot of scripts with which I can drive traffic to a site, but I didn't use them anytime. I fact, I wish real traffic from real people, not fake one!
  20. Surprize today! Lootmails is active again.
  21. You get a lot of traffic with them, if you use them correctly!
  22. candy-coated-mailz passed away in a short time after it was purchased!!!
  23. I know Darren, but I am subscribed to more than 270 list mailers. Do you thing that I can be upgraded to all? Maybe, after I'll sell my house and the car.
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