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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by paulserban

  1. Indeed, there are some safelists which mentain the traffic at the same level, but in general the traffic is less than the past time. There are more less emails, in some cases I didn't make enough credits to send an email to the list.
  2. In the last time the traffic from safelists has been less. Is only my impression?
  3. A new safelist mailer is gone: mysafelistmailer.com
  4. Using safelists how often you can it ensure you traffic and ... sometimes 1-2 sales. My question is to use a limited set of safelists or to use them as much as many you can, even if you publish rarely?
  5. It exist some documentation somewhere about how to launch a safelist mailer?
  6. It's right Darren, I have some sites where I read only solo ads, because the credits for a link are too low and I consider that I waste my time to surf credit links. If would not be a great difference between one and another, normally I should read both of them.
  7. Does anybody know what was happening with Mister Majestic? All his sites are closed!!!
  8. We are very happy when some safelists give us a prize of $0.01 at 50 surfed emails. That means 5,000 emails for $1. To have a minimum of $10 you need to surf 50,000 emails!!! Fantastic!
  9. I don't know what is in the owners mind when they put a surf ratio of 0.05 credits. For a 100 surfed emails that means 5 credits!!!
  10. That's the problem, they have a small list of members. I say again, it is impossible to be upgraded in all safelist you have.
  11. I am thinking how much traffic is lost because there are safelists which allow to send an email to only 250-300 members at 2-3-5 days!!!
  12. I don't understand these people. They work to setup the site or pay for this, then is a hard work to bring subscribers with a lot of lost time and nervs and then they close the site!!! Perhaps they were expecting to a big income obtained very easily!
  13. JVZoo is working with PayPal and if you want to cancel anytime you'll need to go to Paypal and cancel subscription. Is no problem here!
  14. seamyads.com was closed? After recipemailer.com closed in december 2014 without no warning before?
  15. Americandreammailer.com has passed away!
  16. I am programmer and I prefer to make my pages myself. I like to have full control to my code. For the people who doesn't know programming is recommended to make their pages with a specialized application.
  17. Some of free mailers are very good to use as a free member, but there are others where you need to be a paid member for very good results. Of course, you can not be member in all safelists, you will need to sell your house to pay all of them!
  18. A problem is that not all safelists accept to redirect a link.
  19. I am working to get referrals and to build a dowline, and some safelist mailers don't allow me to send email to my downline! The owners are proud by their list, and I am only a proud contributor. Just fun!
  20. It exists sites that allow to post after 36 or 47 hours
  21. A very curiouse phenomenon, in most of safelist: In login page, the form for login is somewhere on the end of page, priority having all sorts of ads! I think that in the optin page, priority must to be the optin form, and then other things.The same thing happens on the sales page. There are a lot of ads there, and the only role of this page is to make the visitor to click on signup button. Also, many owners are so lust for money, as they bomb you with OTOs, one after the other, sometimes reaching 8-10 OTOs before you have access to the site. I am not sure if we can say OTO or MTO (multiple time offer)! Without to mention the login ads, rotator offers and spotlights. Very funny!!!
  22. Thank you, Jerry, I was worried when I saw how quickly other sites grow in a short time.
  23. Which would be a good number of subscribers per day/month, on a mailer site? I am talking about an ordinary owner, not about one with authority in domain. I have 200+ subscribers in a month, and I think that is a low number of subscribers.
  24. For a long time I didn't understand the technology of downline building, but is an easy and very efficient way to increase your rank.
  25. Lootmails was abandoned from two week ago. It seems that will be finished forever.
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