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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by paulserban

  1. When I saw that they have to pay more than 12,3 millions of dollars for commissions I was sure that is a big scam. A year or two ago, was another site with more 10 miilions in commissions and today the site is gone in the wind. What about Rippln? I think that it is only for collecting emails, and then they sell "lead" lists!
  2. This month MM is #1 source of my traffic.
  3. The same considerations for safelists with 3-5 links to surf at a time. This is for the messages which appear tens times in all safelists, but I want to take the credits. What for is necessary to stay and see the same message everytime it appears on a safelist?
  4. Mister, Magical Mailer is #2 source of my traffic and I am happy to be member of this site. In fact, MM is not guilty because you didn't respect the rules. With such a title of the message I can do a heart attack.
  5. Every safelist has its own rules and you must to respect them, otherwise you can be banned. Read with attention what you cannot put in the title and in the body, that's is!
  6. I like when I see that some owners of safelists stop free members to send an email in HTML format. The best of my lists allow to send an email only in TXT format and I have the best traffic from them!!!
  7. Congatulation Jerry Iannoucci (Mister Safe List)! Your safelist have become one of the best sites in this domain. P.S. I'll do not promote safelists with less than 1,000 emails once. A litle exception: this forum, that is our host for free discussion.
  8. My dear, not the great number of members is the basic criterion, the responsive list is. I have a list with 1800 members and I get traffic from it ten times more then a very great list.
  9. Is no limitation, there are safelist with 1,500 or 2,000 emails to send. I'd like to see one with all list to send emails!
  10. paulserban


    Darren, recommend him your videos, he can learn from them a lot!
  11. I don't understand why no LFMVM safelist not accept to send a mail to the whole list for free members!!! In fact all the traffic is made by free members, the paid members not surf for points.
  12. Yes, you are right, but the test was paid!!!
  13. If the people doesn't have results with this site, why they continue to promote the site? In the case of Herculist, too!
  14. Good job, Maria! In a few days I'll follow you with a new safelist mailer. Success to your site!
  15. There are some advantages, the first is a cheapper fee than PayPal. I must to see depper the term of use, maybe I'll make an account there.
  16. I paid last year in august for 500,000 real visitors and they offered me 3,000,000. Until now I have no visitor from that link, but their stats show that I have 300K+!!!!! I think that this site is a big scam and they use a site submitter which has no efficiency.
  17. Finally, I have found one with 1,500 emails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I am very courious which LFMVM safelist will be the first to allow to mail more than 1,000 members!!!
  19. I am thinking very seriously to make my own safelist. I hope to be a good idea!
  20. Yes, there are some advantages with this safelist, but it doesn't have a responsive list. The results are very low.
  21. In the last hours I promoted Adchiever (yes, it's yours!), becouse this safelist has everything an advertiser is wishing and I have the best results from it. Thank you!
  22. 1 - a maximum 3 tabs for surfing 2 - 02. - 0.5, or 5 credits for a link surfed 3 - 300-500 members for an email 4 - an email once at 5-7 days 5 - number of members kept secret (?) 6 - very aggressive with offers of upgrade, as though that would be the only of their target 7 - too high prices for a tender rather small 8 - a very small number of members (even the ID is very big -> a great rate of members deleted) => non-responsive list In fact there are a lot of safelists, the members which are staying there perhaps are hopping into a wonder! In this moment I am testing a great number of list, and if I'll be convinced by the quality of a safelist, I will become a paying member.
  23. I don't know why owners of some safelists don't take a look to the competitors and maintain the worst condition for working with their safelists. Maybe they don't want to have to many subscribers!?!
  24. I don't know why a lot of people say that ListJoe is very good (as a free member). The results are very poor, I say this after more than a year of testing.
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