Tell me about it. But don't get me started! Children learn what they live. In most households that means go to school, listen to your teachers, get the highest paying job possible and listen to your boss so you won't get your hours cut, get layed off or fired. No wonder nobody learns how to think for themselves with all that listening going on. What happens when you don't teach a kid how to think and he/she forgets his/her lunch money or homework? Mom gets a call and has to drive across town to make the delivery, wasting gas and time, hoping nobody saw the car hit the dog as she raced back to work watching for cops as she skids back into her parking place hoping someone left something in the lunch room to eat. Thinking kids will borrow money from the lunch lady, custodian, teacher or share their friends lunch before they go hungry. Homework that doesn't get delivered rarely, if ever gets forgotten. Talented, creative kids grow up thinking they're not because all they get told is go learn to do what makes the most money when happiness is the key to making the most money. Show me an unhappy worker and I'll show you mediocre work and a paltry paycheck every time. Nobody is happy doing work they have no talent for. Learning to do something for the promise of big money is almost impossible and not worth the effort for the amount of time it takes just to become okay but never the expert. JOB=Just Over Broke but it doesn't have to if the reason you go to work everyday isn't because you're buried in bills, babies and bad choices. I think the biggest problem lies within the mindset of all the "employees" flocking to the internet thinking they will be able to either make extra money or get rich quick. Everyone is doing it so it must be easy when in reality nobody wants to admit they're broke [losers] so they pretend to be successful [winners]. Fake it until you make it is almost synonymous with the internet. I've yet to see any CEO's or offline Business owners interested in anything online except how can it benefit their business and is it even worth the trouble. It's just another distribution channel with one difference. They can't control it so it's not their main concern anyway. Control must be total or it's useless to most of them.