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Marketing Checkpoint

Greg Wessels

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Everything posted by Greg Wessels

  1. I believe another aspect contributing to the demise of Traffic Exchanges is the ability for anybody to start one. Some people are just not cut out to take on such an enormous responsibility. One only has to look at the Stellar Hits life history - check out their thread for the juicy details. And now we are seeing many owners (some very seasoned, sadly) causing free members to jump through hoops to get paid. See as how the majority of members are free, I see a ton of complaints in many TE's futures.
  2. SmartMarketingGroup.info only lists 6 sites, and with no name attached to the site I believe this is the one in question. Wasn't this nonpayent/scam/whatever topic brought up under a different thread? I thought I read that Greg started paying out at one of his sites but not sure because I don't belong to any of them. The ones I see the most are queenofheartshitx.com, trafficpiratehits.com, and clixalothits.com.
  3. I use them too but they also produce a low response rate compared to paid traffic sources. Successful marketing is all about crafting your message to targeted people interested in what you have to say. Free sources are far from targeted because you end up advertising to advertisers who have little interest in what you are selling. As for "All REAL top markets"; are these marketers earning 5-figures/month without being the product owner? What I have noticed that the majority of 'marketers' I have seen on TE/VM sites are advertising other traffic sites or the opportunity/product of the week (shiny object syndrome). I'm not saying you can't build a business with these free ad sites, it just takes a long time to do it.
  4. Hi Diana Firstly I would say that 3-4 hrs/day is sufficient to grow your business. I am assuming you are trying to grow your essential oils business...love the look of your site. I would stick to social media, and videos if you can. This allows you to reach a great amount of people targeted to what you have to say. And while this method is generally free, have you considered a FB ad? You could try to run one for just a few dollars and see if you get a response...I would start with $5. You can spend all your time advertising on free sites, like Tommie suggested, but you are going to get a very low response from sites that are only frequented to advertise to others. As for commenting on blogs, I'm puzzled as to why only 1/10 blogs approved your comments. Just make sure to stay on topic and helpful. Not sure how much traffic you will get but it is another free method so it could take a while to get a response for your work. Same goes for forums, just make sure you are targeting sites that are within your niche. You might also join a few (or several ) FB Groups. I'm sure other social sites have something comparable. Remember people join other people, not programs. The more value you provide, the more valuable you become. You will be rewarded!
  5. I agree that John handled this situation about the worst an owner could but I disagree on "ZZ not getting a new processor and resume business as usual". John has an account with Payza so I don't see why payments can't be resumed. He could set a minimum payout and have the recipient pay all fees. If this wouldn't work he certainly isn't sharing that with us as all you can get from him is there are no more payouts. To save ZZ, John needs to come up with something to hold our interest and the current marketplace does not do that.
  6. Seems to me that John is the only one that underestimated the impact of PP pulling the plug. As I recall, for months John led us on about finding a way to reintroduce cash payments (I believe after the new year was mentioned), only to finally man-up and tell us there will be no cash. Is it just a coincidence that he informed us of no cash in January? Probably not. So for all intent purposes, ZZ is dead. If someone questions that, just look at the anemic claim rate since the new year. Sure you could collect coins for trading in the marketplace but how long will it take to earn enough zubees for those 100 credits to trade for? And let us not forget you are already earning credits before you can claim the coins to purchase yet more credits....I'm dizzy.
  7. Thanks for the info John. There are just too many established options to take a chance of damaging your name with a questionable autoresponder.
  8. Well stated Deborah. I also have seen much of this activity going on lately. Directed to a signup page with not a clue as to what the site even provides! Good luck advertising a signup page because you are really, really going to need it.
  9. I wouldn't hesitate to spend money with Dewayne, the new owner. He owns several sites now and my experience with him is that he responds quickly with support (unlike 99% of the TE industry). He has always been very helpful and generous with bonuses, at least to me.
  10. I surf with Traffic Browser so I mute the sound within that app. Normally I head to Pandora to keep my auditory senses busy but lately finding myself listening to eBay/Amazon ecommerce vids on YouTube.
  11. No Tommie - no down arrows from me. To be honest, one does not need GMP to grow a contact list. Plus you really have no control over the list. What happens if the site goes down or hacked? Your list is gone. Thanks for the alert yourstores. I don't think they need the ph # either. While it may be nice to have your downline's #, it should not be a requirement. Actually, statistics show that additional optin fields (such as ph #) reduce the signup percentage so I have to think the owners are doing that for themselves, not for the sponsor. Looks like I need to find a throw away number.
  12. This Acceptable Use Policy is dated July 1, 2015 so nothing new here at all. As for the rest of the 'update' its just the cost of doing business. PP's not the only game in town, its just more opportunity for BTC.
  13. Tommie, your posts are getting a down arrow so Gorilla Marketing Pro must be a scam. So it appears to me, most members really only get tools because 95% of people either don't know how to recruit or just don't do it. The only members you can contact are those you bring into the system. Let me know if I'm off base. And while I question the quality of the tools coming from a free site, quality matters if you want to be seen as a professional, you can't argue with free. What really caught my eye was the advertising sources and the training. The training will probably be worth the price of admission alone. Hopefully the ad sources are not more TE/VM/Text Ad sources.
  14. I use Traffic Browser when surfing so I never see any popups...disabled within browser.
  15. Thanks for the reminders Melaney and Kevin. These really are great mailers and resources.
  16. Maryanne Myers is not what I would call a 'solo ad provider'. Real solo ad providers provide clicks from their email list for a price while Maryanne, and soloadcampaigns.com, send your ad to their database of members. Guaranteed clicks from an interested party is always better (and more expensive) than from someone clicking to earn credits for a text ad/viral mailer.
  17. Only two marketplace sites interest me. Tokens for Traffic Swirl and a yearly upgrade @ Mousumi Traffic. I haven't joined Mousumi but I've heard the owner is really good.
  18. I have Tommie. Dewayne even hooked me up with a sweet bonus for my troubles.
  19. Stellar Hits - support page took me to Stealth Hits. Looks like Dewayne manages support from there. Dewayne did answer and I must have been deleted before his purchase.
  20. 1000 pages @ 20 sec/pg takes 5.6 hrs minimum. Even if you take the highest upgrade @ $17.95/mo it would take you at least 2.8 hrs to complete. It appears many have joined but few are using EasyHits4U. I also have joined but the timer is ridiculously long so I stay away, especially when there are so many other options available.
  21. You are too funny Deborah...just too funny. I mostly just collect the quick ones...finished in 10 minutes tops, but I'm not sure I would do that much if it were not for the team.
  22. When I first took lifetime upgrades, I thought like that. The problem is so many new site owners get in over their head then close down. I don't expect the site be around my lifetime but at least provide a few years of benefit. I guess owner reputation is the best attribute to determine site longevity.
  23. This normally happens to me 2-4 hrs after reset (9:00 pm est). Since I'm on the west coast its not usually a problem for me.
  24. Thanks for the info Tommie - very informative. Sounds like a ton of value. Gorilla Marketing certainly seems worth the cost ($0) to build your business. I'm sure free members just get a taste compared to paid but sometimes that all it takes to get you to see the full value.
  25. I never did get an email and I still can't log in either. I tried to put in a support ticket but can't presently; at first each support page took 10-15 sec to load and by the time I got to a page that allowed input, I received a StealthHits took too long message. I tried more than once but a no-go. This is not a good start for me but I'll keep trying. I could always blame it on the Internet gremlins.
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