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Marketing Checkpoint

Greg Wessels

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Everything posted by Greg Wessels

  1. Firefox has become to bloated as of late. Tejas, perhaps an one of your browser addons is the culprit. Pale Moon browser is also an option. Based on the FF engine but without the bloat - trimmed down FF. Personally, I use Traffic Browser for surfing. Also use Tab Accelerator for sites not included in TB.
  2. I make a note just yesterday on my team's forum at Zubee Zone about how well you are doing with your team Tommie. A BIG congrats to you! For a newbie to lead a team (of only 2 btw) to the first page on Zubee Zone in such a short period of time is impressive. Keep up the great work, Tommie. Just be sure to stop progressing after taking #2
  3. Wtg, awesome job. Disappointing that admin won't fulfill their part of the bargain.
  4. Off the webpage: "We guarantee you that you will earn 100$ in your first week!" That's my first red flag. Sounds like you get paid for pasting your affiliate link all over the Internet but where does the money come from to pay you? I'm assuming this is a free program.
  5. Most of what Mr. Clean stated doesn't even pertain to this company. There is no bait and switch, no affiliate fee. Pay $18 one-time for literacy products. As you make money you can purchase higher level products but your only expense is that one-time fee or you could pay for the additional levels if you like. And unlike most companies, you are not forced to pay for the higher levels as you make money. Although, this company will not provide you with residual income because there is no monthly subscription. Spend a few minutes to watch the company and compensation videos then make an informed decision for yourself.
  6. So you do not get paid to process emails (whatever that is suppose to mean) but to recruit members at $25 ea. And the product? A replicated website which costs nothing to reproduce and some ads. Sure, you could make some money doing this but for how long. It certainly is not monthly passive income.
  7. I agree with @nabboo. This is a PayPal issue and not TopHit4U's. As I have seen earlier on this forum, just because you are unhappy about a site does not make it a scam. I'm not a member but I don't think I have heard one bad thing about TopHit4U. Looks like Payza is getting a lot of new business as of late.
  8. Page Swirl is just a rotator, correct? What is the advantage of Page Swirl over a tracker such as Trck.me which acts as a rotator but tracks your clicks.
  9. I've purchased Bitcoin, a good while ago, but I can't access my wallet with a cell phone which I do not presently have. Not worried...it's not going anywhere. There are just so many Bitcoin-wannabe's out there and most are not a viable cryptocurrency. Looks like you have some vids for me to view, Paul. I'd better get to watchin' then.
  10. I have to agree, Misha. Although I have to admit I sometimes surf for 5-10 cents when two exchanges are running a promo for that day, but I won't surf more than 250 pages for that prize. More often than not I surf that many pages for the zubee coins but if an owner wants to pay me, then ok . But 5000 pages for 10 cents? To answer the thread question, under 5k at Traffic Swirl for a tournament. I don't participate in those very often anymore and usually only for zubees.
  11. Thanks for adding zubee coins to the forum Darren (great idea, btw). Aren't you afraid you will get a bunch of non-helpful posts; people posting just to get a diamond coin? Or does this even matter in the whole scheme of things. I'm thinking that the more activity equals higher Google juice, or does that not work anymore.
  12. RoboForm to the rescue! If you want to be lazy when it comes to passwords, then use a password manager, which creates and stores them for you. Using the same password at multiple sites is just asking for disaster with your accounts.
  13. "...I would strongly suggest to change EVERY password on ANY account associated with your email address used at DropBox." That seems like over-kill to me. I wasn't a customer in 2012 so no worries here, but you should NEVER rely on another company to store your valuable data unless that is all they do. DropBox and other general cloud services are not that company. Be safe out there. Greg
  14. Nothing wrong with knowing more about the owner. I am following another thread on disappearing viral mailers. This thread got me thinking...is there a geographical pattern concerning viral mailers that just close shop with no word? How many disappearing viral mailer owners are from the more established locals (US, CA, UK, etc) vs other regions. Just a thought. To answer your question wordsmatter2me, the FAQ section states that the governing law of VSM is state of IL in the US. Leads me to believe they are from IL. It's not like IL gives you great business breaks. Ever wonder why so many financial institutions are created in Delaware? Hope this helps.
  15. I haven't used it yet. My opinion is if you can get 10k clicks from many different types of advertising, which King Size Solo Adz claims to provide, it is surely work the $4.99 investment. You may need to try it out more than once. At this price you're not out that much to learn if it is worth it. Your Return On Investment (ROI) is key here so be sure to use a 3rd party tracking service, such as Trck.me, instead of relying on their tracker. I also would advertise a spashpage. Getting people on your list is far more important than a sale. Remember you are targeting TE's, Safelists, VM's, and the like. They are more than likely not going to immediately respond to a bizopp. King Size Solo might not be a bad resource to recruit for your favorite VM or TE, for example. Hope this helps.
  16. Site's still alive, or perhaps alive again. Not that I would join with a membership of 550 or 305, depending on which page you are on. Hardly seems worth it to me. Glad they're alive and kickin'. With the casualties of VM's, who knows in 5 minutes though.
  17. I'm with you Garrett. I don't understand why someone would take the time and money to build and then advertise a site and then let it just die. I get they probably just wanted the quick (maybe not that quick) income and just close when it gets too much for them but you can always hire someone to take care of it or just sell it to someone that would just love to take over an already established site. If you sell it, at least you can get something for it instead of damaging your credibility among the list builder community.
  18. I am (was) a member of IGot-Mails.com and am quite disappointed in Simon. If someone is having problems with a site, get some help. If you don't want to run it any longer for whatever reason, sell it. DO NOT just stop maintaining the site; someone will take it over for you. By just leaving the site, the owner just destroyed any and all credibility he had in the IM market. I for one will never again join, or even pay attention to, anything Simon Chappell owns or advertises. Fortunately I was in only one of his businesses. Happy Holidays Everyone!
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