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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by M3Intelligence

  1. Should I start a psychographic segmentation and neuromarketing thread on here?
  2. You will LOVE it and it will greatly help to improve your work and bottom line.
  3. No problem. A lot of marketers overlook the importance of psychographic data and don't know how to find, determine, or use it. Neuromarketing is also not on the average marketer's radar. It is a very specialized field. I recommend reading "The Culture Code" by Clotaire Rapaille (it's AWESOME) and "The Irresistible Offer" by Mark Joyner. Read those 2 books and you will be WELL informed ahead of your peers.
  4. The best and most popular logos most certainly use psychographic elements in their designs and marketing. The fact that you have never heard the term before means that you have never designed anything for any major national or international company. It is not new and is used by only the best. Read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychographic_segmentation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuromarketing http://visualtargeting.com No, as you can see, I did not pull that term out of my a$$. I know what I'm talking about. Searching for the term on any search engine will provide a plethora of information. "I design logos and have never heard of that word before. He must be FOS!" <-- that's a logical fallacy. If you design logos in ignorance of psychographic data, it will not win.
  5. The best way is paid traffic above all others because you have no control over the quality or targeting otherwise. SEO is great but never rely on SEO alone. Google can make an update at any time and knock you down a few notches. Find a good paid traffic source that performs well with your blog. Nobody starts a blog for traffic alone. The point and goal is always to make money. In order to make money, you must spend money. How much money you make, if any, depends on how wise you spent your money.
  6. I have 5 mobile apps and the logo for each of them are strong winners.
  7. A lot of thought must go into a logo. It's like the face of your brand. If a logo designer does not use the term "psychographic" in describing design, look the other way. I have several brands of my own. Each of them have winning logos that were custom designed by professionals and they were not cheap.
  8. People don't associate "free" with anything of value. If an opportunity is valuable, sell it. This is capitalism. The only thing that's free are directions to where people can spend money.
  9. Try Stripe and Apple Pay (iOS Users Only). There are scripts and wordpress plugins that make working with Stripe really easy. I also recommend using Cickbank as your payment processor (as a vendor). PM me to see how I am using them all currently.
  10. I use nothing but paid traffic for my campaigns because I know what I'm spending my money on and I place a high value on my time. Free traffic methods for ad campaigns are almost never sustainable and if they are, there is limited or no scalability. Even the traffic from my SMS lists and mobile app users is not free. Nothing of true lasting value is ever free, including traffic and success.
  11. Is anyone here using Rapid Mailer and are you using your own email templates with it?
  12. Has anyone here heard of Bitconnect or is currently using it?
  13. I have several blogs. No matter what a blog is about, the purpose should be traffic and money. Design your blog with those things in mind foremost and your blog will grow.
  14. Go here: https://siriustraffic.com
  15. I highly recommend using Backlink Beast. I have been using it for years and the results are great. PM me and I can show you actual results.
  16. It is the use of artificial intelligence to buy or sell ad space and manage ads.
  17. Here is a good one that is free: http://harakhti.cloud/link/
  18. Is anyone here using programmatic PPC and/or CPA?
  19. I stick only to what works and never put all of my eggs in one basket. To succeed, you will need to use multiple affiliate networks. I don't recommend MLM because it is not a solid business model. Remember that a lot of people have skill but not everybody has talent.
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