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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by QueenMaa

  1. I am promoting free list monster. However, you have to have a getresponse account to automatically get your leads in your list. I got a a getresponse but I really don't want to use it. I want to use Leadsleap. However, I don't know how to export the leads I get from Free list monster into my Leadsleap autoresponder. Is there a way I can do that? Thanks in advance!
  2. I look at a persons character. Having a real picture of them doesn't mean anything. Plus, as someone already said a picture can be faked. Also, I have seen people have pictures up that are not current. They have a picture of themselves when they were 20 and now they are 60 something years old. Pics mean nothing but character and actions mean everything.
  3. I am using leadsleap tracker but how do I find out where a signup comes from? For instance, if I get a signup from a mailer where would I see that in Leadsleap? Any help will be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  4. I have started building my list. I am using Leads Leap as my autoresponder but I am using a list building system. People join my list then they are taken to the list building system. It gives them tips and resources on how to build a list. It is very informative in helping you build your list. It is also an advertising platform as well.
  5. Hello Captkirk, Thanks for asking. I was able to move it. I had to go to youtube to find out how.
  6. I tried to contact the owner but I didn't see anyway to contact them because there is no way to contact them. In the video she tells you to contact support if you have any problems but I didn't see a way to do that.
  7. I got that email too. Now, I have to figure out how to withdraw the money. I tell you it's always something.
  8. I hope they aren't successful. I contacted the owner of Trackerboard and he said he knew it was blocked and he was working to get unblocked. It is now unblocked. I remember when Google had shutdown bunches of people's blogs claiming that the content wasn't good.
  9. No, it seems to be only that Google is doing this.
  10. I just wanted to let you all know that trackerboard.com is being blocked by google. It comes up as a decetpive site in red. They still let you visit it but this can be a disaster if you use a safelist or textad exchange. I was using it on safelist and viral mailers but it looks like I'm going to have to switch to Leadsleap tracker completely (I was using both).
  11. Advertise at KashAdz! This Text Ad Exchange advertising site will get you referrals easily! Earn credits by viewing other members ads! You can also earn credits by playing the slot machine! Free members can post 3 ads a day and upgraded can post unlimited ads! Simple and freePost Ads Daily!Real and active membersGet more exposureHurry Join KashAdz Today!
  12. That is good to hear. I hope they can stay in business. Maybe it was just technical difficulties.
  13. Is anyone a member of Ibotoolbox? I am and I can't login and it seems like no one else has been able to login either because it says 0 members online. It has been like this for several days The site was better before they upgraded it. Since then, it seems to be having a lot of problems. They took the chat function away. I liked that I had it on my blog but when they discontinued it I had to take it down.
  14. Cash Club Fund is back online. What is going on? Does anyone know?
  15. Thank you CaptKirk! I really appreciate you helping me. Always wishing you much success!
  16. The ad I am using now is, "Are you getting more bills than money in the mail?". That is the title and this is the full ad: Are you tired of complicated businesses that don't make you any money? You should be. Why not join a business that is simple, easy and makes you money? Do you like to promote online? Do you like to promote offline? You can do one or the other or both. Do you like to have fun while working your business? Do you actually like to make money and not be going around in circles? A business should not be a burden. If you're feeling terrible day in and day out and about to lose your mind. Then, you are in the wrong business. Join the right business today!
  17. Hello CaptKirk, Wow! I'm trying to follow in your footsteps. That is very impressive. I still am in the process of promoting the program. I haven't signed anybody up yet. Hopefully, before July is over I can get some signups. Thanks for sharing your results with me. It is encouraging and gives me motivation to keep going.
  18. Thank you Captain Kirk! I will take your advice. It was very much appreciated. I won't give up!
  19. I am in Cash Club Fund and I really like it but I haven't been able to get anyone to join. I have advertised everywhere I can think of. If anyone could offer any tips it would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  20. Warning this can get addictive! The ABC's of the traffic keys are available! It Just Opened too! You will get instant traffic to your sites, just go here: Keys2Traffic Get These Bonuses TODAY: 25 FREE Green Key for free advertising (up to 50,000 people!) and a $7 Cash Bonus $500 Contest Just Started - even the little guy can win on this Plus a 2x's weekly CASH contests! You collect keys within minutes (like only 2 minutes a day) Gold Keys Will Get You Free Advertising Green Keys Will Open Your Traffic Treasures Red Keys Will Save You From A Goblin! Join Keys2Traffic Today!
  21. I use Mailchimp's autoresponder for my blog but I'm thinking about changing it to Leadsleap auto responder, because it is said that Mailchimp doesn't like for people to promote affiliate links. Do you think this would be a wise move to make? Also, I see some advertising programs have where you can setup your autoresponder to help you get leads. Thanks in advance!
  22. Yesterday, I tried to login into both of my accounts I have with them but the site is not coming up. At first it had a message saying the server is being updated but now it isn't saying anything.
  23. Do you feel like you are going around in circles and not making any money? Don't get me wrong free is good but at some point in time you have to put money back into your business. If you don't your business will fail miserably. Are you in many programs but no one ever upgrades?So, again you never make any money. I know this can be frustrating. Trust me, I've been there. What if you could advertise to proven to proven buyers?People you know who will invest in their business and serious about their success? If this is you Click Here to start building your buyers list! http://www.buyersonly.biz/images/banner300x250.gif
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