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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by QueenMaa

  1. I have always thought that postcards would be a great way to do offline marketing. I saw this program. I was wondering if someone knows anything about it and if they have had good results with it. I have seen people advertising it.
  2. I surf for credits. I use safelists to make sales and get signups. I am also utilizing programs that let me advertise more than one banner. I am a member of a site that lets me posts unlimited banners. Tools like that come in handy because you can advertise more than one opportunity. So, I have been promoting that lately.
  3. I have recently started using color in my ads on the mailers that allow html. It really makes my ad stand out!
  4. Darren, yes they do support any autoresponder. I will use my mailchimp again. Thanks!
  5. I joined viral lead builder a couple of years ago. I also joined sales traffic 4 me and today I joined instant banners4me. I noticed with these sites you have to hook up an autoresponder. I did for viral lead builder (I hooked it up with my mailchimp account) but I think it would be hard to do for all of these sites. I do really want to utilize the banners4me site. Could I utilize the sales traffic 4 me and the banners4me sites without hooking up autoresponders as I think it will be too much. What would you all do? I really want to work on just promoting viralleadbuilder because that is the one I first joined and the other two basically do the same thing. I do have a Listwire account do you think I should use their autoresponder for the other two?
  6. I was wondering do any of you use freeadboards? I really like them and you can post ads daily on most of them.
  7. I used to be in network marketing but now I blog and do online and affiliate marketing. I think it can be difficult to do network marketing because it takes time. It's definitely not a business to join if you need money right away. I think so many people make that mistake and end up failing. What I didn't like about network marketing was you have to be on autoship for a product. That can really add up especially if you are not bringing in people right away. Which, most people don't because it takes time to learn the business. Instead of making money many people end up in debt. I know even with doing online marketing and affiliate marketing it takes time to but the difference with them is you don't have to be on an autoship for a product and you can take your time and learn and even if you aren't making any money you are not racking up debt because you don't have to purchase a monthly autoship. I like network marketing but I think that if you want to do it you have to have some money and don't go into it if you need money now. Affiliate marketing is best for me right now.
  8. John, I agree with you. It does take a whole lot of time. I can totally relate to what you have said. I had to start putting myself on a schedule because that was the only thing I was doing. So, now I only do so many hours in a day. Not the whole day. I also have certain days that I do certain things. Like I do my advertising on such and such days. It really makes a difference and I don't feel so overwhelmed. I think I get a lot more done this way too.
  9. I had a Weebly site and they shut it down. I had quite a few banners on my homepage. I had planned to take some down but I didn't get around to it. They shut it down because they called it a money making site. I did have some survey sites on it but I had written blog posts about them I didn't have any of the banners on the homepage. I was using the free version and I had planned on upgrading because I really liked Weebly. I was in another forum and a lady had a Weebly blog and she had affiliate products but she had upgraded. I'm thinking now they shut it down because I was using the free version. If you are doing affiliate marketing I wouldn't recommend using Weebly. Or if you are doing any kind of referral marketing of any kind. I was also reading a fellow bloggers blog who had a site on Weebly and they shut it down. To be on the safe side I wouldn't use them if I were you.
  10. I'm new here but I like it. It's easy to navigate and it has features that other forums don't have. I like how you have combined social media with advertising.
  11. What do you all think about Listmillion?
  12. I publish on my blog once a week.
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