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Marketing Checkpoint

keith butterworth

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keith butterworth last won the day on January 12 2017

keith butterworth had the most liked content!

About keith butterworth

  • Birthday 12/28/1958

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Manchester UK
  • Interests
    This internet marketing stuff, linedancing, cycling, walking

keith butterworth's Achievements

  1. When it stops being fun is the time to get out!
  2. I have every confidence in John as an owner...his Traffic Exchange - Traffic Swirl is celebrating 6 years of business and the interest of his members is at the heart of what he does. We need to be patient during this Paypal debacle!
  3. When I started seeing the ads it reminded me of All Inclusive Ads - which I don't seem to see anymore....coincidence?
  4. Just joined today . I was aware of MC before but have no idea what it was like. I like what I see now and I think this is just the thing for me now that NMF has gone I'm looking forward to exploring more over the next few days.
  5. It is the quality of the product that determines whether I promote it or not. I'd much rather promote a $20 product I use and believe in for 10% than a $10 rubbish one for 100%. Perhaps that explains why I don't make a lot of money! I'm happy with 30% - after 4 sales I'm pretty much in profit.
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