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Maryanne Myers -Webstars2K

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Maryanne Myers -Webstars2K last won the day on February 25 2020

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  1. All this has been done before, many many times. It fell out out of favor years ago, like a dozen years ago - pre 2010 era. Because of 1 thing not taken into account, it just fell out of popularity. Oh, I think one older TE does still do these things, I think it may be webmasterquest. Which is pre 2010 era.
  2. You dont need Ppal for that. Period. They are a middle man between you and visa/mastercard/etc . You contact your credit card or bank for that. SInce 2019 paypal has been "fining" people 2500 a pop - some into the many 10's of thousands. With zero explaination on what the fines are done for. You dont even get a receipt or told beforehand. It says "Damages to paypal" they send the money to themselves and that is that. It always says the same thing. Now they are getting even more aggressive this year, I closed my business account because its so spooky. Look it up in google, twitter. If you are associated with a bad account user, you get told you are a "support of" and fined. This company has transacted 100's of millions (if not billions) for schemes. They have been fined by the USA for violating sanctions. They have been fined by India for being involved in money laundering. And, they want 2.5 million out of the victims fund that they helped, on purpose, process those payments for! They constantly fine people, get sued, fined, and now fine their users which is new to me, with the same reason of "damages" but no damages. Good luck, I freaking hate them because they arent as they portray. You are no safer with the middleman there, than any other one. Too many other trusted sources to use besides them nowadays.
  3. Yep, SHIB (Shiba Inu) is a good one. Its on coinpayments and coinbase right now. I've been buying more of them everyday, and now accept SHIB on every site plus payout in shib. $5 worth can and has turned into alot of cash. #ShibArmy
  4. You can also style it by adding this in the end (and custom it how you want) ..... image.png style="border:1px solid #ff0000;border-radius:15px;padding:5px;"> You can also dot it like border:1px dotted solid #ff0000; or make it dashed instead of dotted. There is so much more you can do to the image too. Just look up css style submit button, in google. You actually dont need an image at all.
  5. No one is there, has been like that (support tickets, no payouts, no collecting, trading them in and not getting the stuff, etc) for 3 and a half years now and still is. Most of that entire realm of that past and the likes of it, is gone.
  6. I always wondered tho.. do you see these email addresses (not just usernames or names)? How do you know if they are real or duplicates? As I programmer, I know you can list even the same email address 50 times = looks like 50 on the count especially if the system is assigning them to people, but make it email that same email address only once. Do you see them? I am just curious because I can gauge how popular a site is from watching what my members advertise, so seriously wonder.
  7. This made me sad, hopefully they will just do a redo and come back as they weren't jerks about things
  8. No one is talking about using the safelists, or method of or effectiveness of though. This is about money taken, except for the handful that is paid (so they keep promoting). Its about people having their commissions erased, or they paid $500 - $1500 on promises to be paid for their "investment" and then completely ignored. (That partner program). But yet, he has been knocking me, jay and darren (and who ever else) behind the scenes when we actually DO our job. I guess to deflect from the real truth and cut competition? There were people sounding the alarms of being ripped off before that happened, and since - many stories have been told here. Not only that, many told me in email and are not posting here. That has went on for many years. Seriously, I think I first heard of it around 2010 and it was from 2 other TE owner / members of mine. Then it seems to ramp up starting 2017.
  9. How in the world can he call me a "hater"? 1) I didnt make these people tell their true stories of paying alot of money for promises of 1 and 1/2 profit. And not pay it, and write smug replies, if any reply is given. 2) my network has more members than his. 3) I have been online as an owner, years longer than him. 4) I most likely make more money than him, and so do my members and I actually pay them. Seemingly since I dont run fake charities, post promises of cash and say I do this as a hobby but my real job is consulting clients who make millions. (who does that unless they really need to snow people for cash?) 5) Every site I have is 100% custom from scratch. I make the graphics. I program and design on a textpad, from scratch. And it takes alot of work! So that over used "hater" tactic - fails here.
  10. ??? apparently this has gone on for 2-3 years now. Not new. Thats why so many people posted their story on this forum.
  11. The very same thing as a safelist. "Mailer" is just another name for them that started in the early 2000's. No one knows who started calling them that. Then "viral" was added to it around 2009 or so. Its not "viral", its just another name to try and set it apart from "safelist" I assume. (Just a selling tactic)
  12. No, its not true. I have done them and owned them since January of year 2000. People would not buy memberships, even on ALL of mine, repeatedly if they did not work. YES you get other offers (email ads) but this is your target audience. They join programs. They promote programs. They add more programs to their roster.
  13. I loved FFA back in the day and see no reason it shouldn't be alive, it was brilliant. I think it got stomped out, or actually faded, by many things back then. And thank you for supporting the Dragon. I think all bugs are fixed. And do you like that the Cherry TE was woven in there to get the ffa ads posted, some more direct hits?
  14. Claire is one of my online friends, they did sell them all. Brenton got a job offline and Claire already owns a small business offline, then she has a family too so when her partner got a job offline there wasnt time to take care of all the stuff online. So it was needed to be sold. They sold them to a guy named Mick = he is suppose to take care of support and all that now since he owns it.
  15. Yes, you can do it to 100 different member pages if you like. Upgraded does all of them for you, 5 times a day (even with 5 different ads). It works just like the old style FFA. Just more stuff added like every ad posted is getting visitors.
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