Hi, I am the owner of etraffic911. This site sells quality products and low end products. In the above your talking about the low cost bulk traffic. We have in are terms real clear that Bulk traffic will not track well in out side trackers as these are page views. Also this is fast moving and never tracks well as most paid bulk traffic will not track. But people get results. The Premium targeted traffic tracks 100% in all stats. So we leave it to the Buyer's to choose . The Fact is Etraffic 911 Has over 12k clients and has a re-order rate of over 80% and is the Biggest money making traffic site online today. We try to please everyone, But in this Business you can not. The Fact is over 90% of websites on line fail and no matter what you do to them. People want to spend $18.00 and think they will make 5,000 dollars does not work that way. But we stand proud by are Business. And all of the traffic websites we have done for over 12 years. Thanks Traffic Man