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Marketing Checkpoint

Julius C

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Everything posted by Julius C

  1. You can also get a lot of information by logging into the cPanel of your website and looking at the AWStats or other tools in the cPanel area. It will not only give you unique visitors, but where they're coming from, how long visitors are on your site, what browsers are being used, what search engines people used to find your site, what keywords were used, etc. If you have access to your cPanel, you have access to a lot of information. Even more than you get with most trackers. Just my opinion, but I do also use trackers.
  2. I have tested it for over 3 months now, and absolutely no clicks, or responses whatsoever. I tried several different ads, and according to their stats, I get these ridiculously high 'open rates', but absolutely no one has clicked on the links in the emails. I honestly don't believe they are going anywhere. I've only seen 2 people promote it, but one of them is always promoting it, and yes, thru the safelists and mailers. I've read mixed reviews on the warriors forum. Some seem to think it works and others believe it is a scam. After testing it for about three months, I'm with the latter group. I get more response from safelists and mailers that P4P claims to outdo, and that includes signups and sales, and I've received no results from P4P. I contacted both P4P support and that one person that advertises it (you all know who because he actually advertises thru here too, or at least did. I know I've seen his emails come thru MarketingCheckpoint), and both told me I have to use it daily and use ads that appeal to newbies... That's a bunch of BS, because I put out ads that bring results from safelists and mailers, and there is no way that every mailing I send thru P4P will get an average open rate of 13% + and not one click on the links. Really? If what P4P (support and favorite affiliate) is saying, then my open rates would not be so high or not at all. My open rates with safelists and mailers are usually around 3% or less, and I get real signups and sales. I don't openly put a thumbs down on a program unless I actually tested it myself... I'm giving P4P a thumbs down! But that's just my 2 pennies :-)
  3. Matt, that is an interesting proposition, and I would like to know more. I did purchase a script and working on the setup, etc. to hopefully get it out in a few days. Been extremely busy offline the last couple of weeks, but will have some free time in the next couple days to work on the mailer. Once I have it ready, I will heavily promote, so you'll know it's out there... But please tell me more about this plunge!
  4. Thanks Paul. Very important to know.
  5. Thanks Gnana. I hadn't heard of IPL, but if it has a bunch of bugs, I don't have the time or knowledge to deal with that. Now SafelistproX has been around for a while, hasn't it? Do they keep it updated? I cant remember what made me pass them over the last time I looked, but thought it was somewhat outdated.
  6. I watch and follow quite a few. I'm always learning, and from several folks. Seen both Darren's and Matt's work for several years now, and must admit that was one of the reasons I decided to join here, but I actually found it googling for answers to questions I had... Usually how I find most things unless I've seen them in emails and bookmark the links to look at later.
  7. Rudi, I love that... Great points, and yes Vic, that is so true!
  8. Many thanks Darren. LFMVM is the only one I've seen too, but before I purchased it, I wanted to see if there may be any others. I've looked around quite a bit for a while now, and that's the only current one I keep coming up with. I'll research a bit more, but it looks like other than doing custom (which is beyond my ability right now), LFMVM is the only up-to-date one out there.
  9. I am looking at starting another safelist/mailer. I have purchased several older scripts and networks, and am also purchasing some more systems, however I also want to start a new safelist (or mailer) and looking for a good script that is scalable with modules, etc. I am not very proficient in php, but do have a friend who is very good at php, however is learning internet marketing. Does anyone have any suggestions on a good, solid script, and could you give me your reasoning for your recommendations, i.e. you're using it, etc.? Thanks.
  10. LOL... I put out a video where I acted like a newscaster, and blasted everywhere I could for about a month. I'm pretty sure people got sick of it too.
  11. Lots of good comments and great advice here, and it really does boil down to testing and tracking your own ads to see which places work best for you. Tracking is so very important or you'll spin your wheels and waste time and money. Someone mentioned the track record of the owner, which is good to know, but if you're new to this type of marketing, you don't really know the track record, so it comes back to testing and tracking. Even on a low budget or free advertising you can track enough to know which safelist(s)/mailer(s) you should be upgrading in when you can. I also agree that upgrading to the lifetime (or yearly at the very least) is the best way for me. Some of the lists don't always have that, but when they do and I can afford it at the time, that's what I do.
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