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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by KathyClark

  1. Hi Darren, Thanks for the warm welcome!
  2. I am new here, (truth is, I have had an acct since 11/2014) but just forgot about it. Now you have my attention again.
  3. Wow, that is very generous. Thank you so much.
  4. Hi Herbert, I love this story. This is a much better way of living. Thanks for sharing.
  5. KathyClark


    I agree with you. I need some guideance to figure out how to use this site effectively. Come on people share some tips and ideas. PLEASE.
  6. I don't know Darren or Matt. I am new here, I received an email and it lead me here. Looks interesting, but don't know how it works yet. Need all the tips and help I can get. I do know a few of the members, hopefully that will help.
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