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Marketing Checkpoint


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  1. Hi There, All you guys/girls should really take a look at this program, even if you are as poor as a rat. Here you can start for free and earn your way up to $5 a day without doing anything except login in every day. https://weshareabundance.com/?u=marjolijn1 The first $2 you get for free after signing up, filling out your profile and making an account at their exchange site. These $2 you can exchange into wesa tokens on their exchange site and start in your first pool where you will get not 1 cent, but 10 cents a day for login in. There are 6 pools you can join for a total of $125 (or pay with wesa tokens and get a 20% discount = $100). Join all 6 pools all at once within 48 hours and you will get a bonus of $25 return into your account at the end of the month. You do not need to join them all at once, as I said you can start as a free member and earn your way up to it. DO NOT MISS OUT ON THIS, START FOR FREE AND TAKE A LOOK AROUND, IT WILL NOT HURT YOU. Regards, Marjolijn Pijl
  2. The program started januari 2020, The owner opened this up to the public so the ai could build more data so it could predict where the drops are going to be. I am earning here and the owner (Ryan Baines) is very transparent about everything, showing his face, giving conferenecalls etc. He just added a new pack to the 3 that are already there, it will be there for 4 weeks and will give 5%. For only 2 weeks it will be over a funding of $3000, then it will rise to $5000. He offers also to give everybody who joins for the 5% a tradingcourse for free. If it is sustainable, time will tell, but that counts for all businesses, on- or offline. I don't know much about trading, that is why I let other people trade and pick a bit of fruit from it. Hope this answers your questions.
  3. SOFTTRADEAI is an Artificial Intelligence Asset Management Company, and we use different types of advance AI software tools to trade in the Forex markets and generate risk-free profits for our clients. SOFTRADEAI is incorporated in the UK. The company is licensed to carry out commercial transactions around the world. It provides financial reports in accordance with the established rules in the UK. There are 3 packs you can invest in: $25+, 2% daily for 35 workdays $100+, 3% daily for 35 workdays $500+, 4% daily for 35 workdays After 35 workdays the pack expires and you get half of your seedmoney put back into your account, you can withdraw this plus the profit you made or you can invest it again and let it ride for another 35 workdays. When you purchase a pack for $100+ or $500+ make sure you click the right percentage you want to receive. For more information click the link below http://marketingmagic-online.info/stai.html Happy earnings! Regards, Marjolijn Pijl
  4. Hi fellow entrepreneurs, Last februari (2019) a new trading program started. Unity Inc is a private investment company with passive income streams, seated in the United Kingdom, operating since february 2019. To earn tradingcommission you need to invest, but you can also stay a free member, recruit, and earn commission from your referrals/ There are two (2) Marketing Plans. Plan1 Minimum deposit: $50 - tterm of work 14 workdays, profit ratio 0.7% - 0.85% Maximum deposit $45000 - term of work 90 workdays, profit ratio 1.6% - 1.7% Plan 2 Minimum deposit: $110 - term of work 14 days (monday-sunday), fixed income, profit 11.2% Maximum deposit $90000 - choise of investment perod: 5 months - 173%, 9 months - 365%, 12 months - 529% There are 2 more options to create an income, namely the 8 level partner program and building a career in the company. I won't bother you with the details for these, you can find it in your backoffice as soon as you sign up. As mentioned above, you can start with $50 or you can earn from referrals without you depositing anything If you don't want to there is no need to deposit ever again, you can replenish your balance and work your way up to $250+ profit a day. To sign up, click https://unityinc.ltd/ref/marjolijn1 See you there, Regards, Marjolijn Pijl
  5. Hi fellow entrepreneur, The makers of 50centfreedom, sprint33 and rapid 215 just started a new program called MyAddsUp. With this program you are guaranteed to earn viewing ads: - Up to 154% guaranteed earnings - Earn up to $36.30 per click - 10 second ad view timer - Ad pack cost only $1.00 - Buy multiple ad packs - Banner and text advertising - Earn 10% commission on referral spending - Earn 5% commission Referral earnings Take the opportunity to join this program, it will benefit you Big Time! Our team is there for you if you need any help. CLICK TO JOIN NOW ==> http://myaddsup.com/index.php?r=marjolijn1 To your success, Marjolijn Pijl
  6. If possible, before joining a program search the internet for comments about it. Join a good group of people who help each other. Always use a landingpage when advertising. If available, join a couple of webinars about a program. There you can learn if the program is for you or not. Don't put all your money into one program, spread the risk. Try to do as much as you can with free money (faucets, ptc's etc.) before putting money out of pocket in a program. Ask questions to your upline (when already in a program) to see if they answer. If no upline, ask questions to admin of program to see if you get an answer. Always reed the FAQ of a program. Do not jump from program to program. Don't expect to get rich overnight.
  7. Finally, a system that does all the selling for you! How would you like to have an all done for you sales system? No need to talk to anybody, no need to sell anything, the only thing you need to do is get people into the front door, followed by 12 simple steps (the padlocks), so simple that even your grandmother can do it. Well, you're in luck, this system has just launched (may 31 2017). https://padlockincome.com/ This system, called the padlock system, is designed by Jeremy Rush, and it is really as simple as I said above. You don't even need to make landingpages or emails for an autoresponder, it is all taken care of. Even the the text and pictures for the ads on facebook, twitter, instagram and whatever social or advertising media you use are pre-made. Now you will have to do something ofcourse, you have to get people into the system with the pre-made advertising. You will have to go to 12 steps (padlocks). In those 12 steps you will get assignments about what to advertise, where to advertise it and when to advertise it. That is about it. You have to follow the instructions per padlock to the rule before you can go to the next padlock. It doesn't matter if it will take you 15 minutes or a year to do them, as long as you do them. It is designed in a way that 15 minutes a day should do it. The earning will start in padlock 2. In padlock 1 you need to get a certain number of leads, you will be told how, where and when to get those leads. The system will start to convert those leads into directs. As soon as a lead becomes a direct, the system will start to send them offers, follow up emails on those offers are taken care of. The system will know it is your direct and will write those emails on your behalf, you will get the commission. Now it is free to join, but to get into padlock 2 you will need to pay a one time fee of $10. $7.50 of this $10 will be paid to your sponsor. Your directs will follow you into padlock 2 and you will start getting that $7.50 into your account. It is a simple system for you to plug into with just some simple steps. Here they are in short: 1. sign up http://padlockincome.com/306 (gmail works best) 2. Do exactly what you are told in the following emails 3. Let the system do its work and cash in Can it get any easier then this I ask you. To our succes! Marjolijn Pijl
  8. I agree with Ted, stay with a program for at least 6 months before you decide if it is for you or not. I have been looking for a good program for a long time and in that time I learned that most programs that promise you big wealth within a couple of weeks are mostly scams or so damn difficult to work that it isn't for me. I have a concentrationdisorder that makes it very difficult for me to understand what most programs want me to do. And what are you looking for, a sellingprogram, mlm/cycler programs, making money fast or do you want a residual income. I am always looking for programs with residual income that aren't too hard to understand. Those programs won't make me rich overnight, it will take a while, but the residual part makes it interesting, it gives a long term solution to lack of money. But which program is trustworthy and which one is a scam? I always look for who founded the program and try to find info about that person up on the internet. That isn't a guarantee to pick the right program, but it can give you a bit of an inside what this person has been doing and how other people think about him/her. You can also write to the "help"section of a program and see if they anwser, that can be a sign of trustworthy too. So first decide what you want/like to be involved with and then search for those kind of programs on the internet, do your searchwork about the program/founder and the program itself and when you found something that speaks to you, dedicate yourself to it for at least 6 months to see if it works. If you don't really trust a program but you would like to try it, never put much money into it, 10 to 20 dollars should be more then enough to find out if it works for you. And some programs are free to join, those I like the best (ofcourse), especially if they don't ask for money once you are inside as the only option to make some money. That I consider to be a scam too. Saying it is free and then ask for money before you can earn anything ever isn't quite fair to the joiner, don't you agree? Maybe you can do something with this comment. Succes with your search. Marjolijn
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