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Marketing Checkpoint

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What would you most like to learn today about earning online? List Building?, Sales funnels?,maybe Traffic generation methods?,how about Product creation or how to write successful sales copy.


Well, if knowledge is power Surefire Wealth is the power station. Top quality training,not like the next to useless plr crap that is cluttering up my hard drive from some purchases I've made in the past but loads of courses and programs with real value and the training to put them to use. Surefire Wealth gives you access to current tools,technique,and strategies without holding back the missing pieces.


 As a membership site there are different levels of commitment. There is of course a free level available to anyone,an upgrade that is a paltry $10/yr, a Silver level which is at $147/yr is a pretty serious offering that will give you freedom from overpriced "shiny objects" and a couple higher levels.


Here is where it gets interesting:


As a top upgraded member I am able to offer one year Silver memberships for free.I paid for this option to to use as an inducement to get people to opt-in to my list and that is how I will be presenting it.


Except for here.


MarketingCheckpoint is a little different than any other site I belong to. When I hit my bookmark to open the site it is titled "Sharing and Advertising community"  OK, this is me sharing. No Opt-in link for my list. Just the link to your One year Silver membership valued at $147/yr for free. 

No opt in to my list,take this incredible offer .http://www.surefirewealth.com/rep/target/Silver.html


At this point Marketing Checkpoint is the only place where I will be offering this without opting in to my list. I haven't decided yet but I may offer it this way briefly on one of Maryanne Myers sites as well. 

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