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I Don't Have A Clue How To Use Zubee Rewards?

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Most people trade the zubees rewarded by coins, on the market place for cash, but if you're only collecting them from here, then you'll need to wait a month before you have enough to claim 10c :)  If you look in the directory at Zubee Zone. Go to the Home page and click the link that says "Collect Silver, Gold and Diamond coins" to get to the directory of partner sites, and you can see all the different sites where you can find coins. You can trade for advertising too. If you get good you can join my team B)


Thanks for the info Clare. :)


How do you create a team and get members for the team you created?

You're welcome Tommie


Simply go the the green menu on the left when in Zubee Zone - Teams> and at the top of the team leader board, you'll see a link that says "Start or Join a team"  You start with 5 spaces for team members and then expand by buying more capacity on the marketplace (with cash or zubees). The maximum team size is 600, so there's plenty of room to grow a big family of zubee collectors :) Getting members isn't hard if you know a lot of people. Most surfers and many mailer users are members of ZZ, but you can also write a post to the Zubee Talk forum. Or, maybe here? ;)


What's the advantages of buying more capacity?


It seem like the larger that I grow my team Zubee Zone would benefit from my efforts.

Yes, Zubee Zone benefits - admin for sure, lol, but also the partners (sites with zubee coins) and team members benefit from a team that shares info on the sites, the promotions, marketing, swapping of referral links, and new friendships made. Each team has its own forum for discussion :)


Now, I like that each team has it's on forum for discussion.


How many members do a team need to get their own forum?


Yes, the forum is the best part without a doubt. And every time a member collects a coin, they're brought back to ZZ, so forum notifications that are waiting, tend to be reacted to quite quickly in an active team :-)


I'm pretty sure that any team, no matter how small has a forum. Its a year since I started ours, but I think it was always there :)


You're welcome Tommie


Simply go the the green menu on the left when in Zubee Zone - Teams> and at the top of the team leader board, you'll see a link that says "Start or Join a team"  You start with 5 spaces for team members


Clare, I started Captkirk's Team.


How do I get people to join my team?


Clare, I started Captkirk's Team.


How do I get people to join my team?


Congratulations :D


You can go to the communities page. From the green menu - Community> and then Talk> and place a post there notifying people of your new team, and then you could perhaps write a post here too. There's an invite button for unteamed members, if you want to go through the list of members, which you find in Leaderboard> also in the menu.  And as an ace promoter, I'm sure you'll find other ways too


Congratulations :D


You can go to the communities page. From the green menu - Community> and then Talk> and place a post there notifying people of your new team, and then you could perhaps write a post here too. There's an invite button for unteamed members, if you want to go through the list of members, which you find in Leaderboard> also in the menu.  And as an ace promoter, I'm sure you'll find other ways too


I don't get a special URL to promote?


I don't get a special URL to promote?


Not specifically for teams, no. Within Zubee Zone, we can send invite messages which have a link in them, or otherwise, in forum for example we promote by name and instruction on how to join. Outside of ZZ, we use our own team splash pages that we've created that are linked to the ZZ referral links of team members. Each team has a profile page though, that's visible without being logged in.


I didn't find your team


Not specifically for teams, no. Within Zubee Zone, we can send invite messages which have a link in them, or otherwise, in forum for example we promote by name and instruction on how to join. Outside of ZZ, we use our own team splash pages that we've created that are linked to the ZZ referral links of team members. Each team has a profile page though, that's visible without being logged in.


I didn't find your team


Do my team have to be approved by Admin? I have posted in my team forum.


Do my team have to be approved by Admin? I have posted in my team forum.


Yes, I guess that's probably the reason I can't find your team. That would be a new thing. I found you though, and on your profile, it gives your team name :-)


I was looking for my team too. Where did you find it at?


How can I join your team?


Sorry for the delay. I think you might need to claim a coin before your team shows on the team leader board :)


Permission to post a site where you can get a coin without needing to register (blog) - obviously its not an affiliate link.


You can't join another team, if you have on or you're on one.


Sorry for the delay. I think you might need to claim a coin before your team shows on the team leader board :)


Permission to post a site where you can get a coin without needing to register (blog) - obviously its not an affiliate link.


You can't join another team, if you have on or you're on one.




Sorry for the delay. I think you might need to claim a coin before your team shows on the team leader board :)


Permission to post a site where you can get a coin without needing to register (blog) - obviously its not an affiliate link.


You can't join another team, if you have on or you're on one.

Thanks Clare, you have been a great help in me getting a clue of what's going on. I have even added Zubee Downlines to the Program Threads. I had already listed ZubeeZone in the Program threads. :)


I been at ZubeeZone watching the videos too... LOL


Thanks Clare, you have been a great help in me getting a clue of what's going on. I have even added Zubee Downlines to the Program Threads. I had already listed ZubeeZone in the Program threads. :)


I been at ZubeeZone watching the videos too... LOL


And I see Captkirk's Team now, so that's up and running too :-) That's great Tommie, you're very welcome :)


And I see Captkirk's Team now, so that's up and running too :-) That's great Tommie, you're very welcome :)


Clare, I'm a member of a lot of sites that offer Zubees Coins but I didn't use them even though I had joined ZubeeZone.


Until I seen how the members joined the forum in search of the coins I took notice and started collecting the coins too! :)


Thanks Clare, you have been a great help in me getting a clue of what's going on. I have even added Zubee Downlines to the Program Threads. I had already listed ZubeeZone in the Program threads. :)


I been at ZubeeZone watching the videos too... LOL


Hey, Tommie, you got lucky with a consultant.  :)

I mean, you've got the best one in the business defy. 


I could help at more practical level so you could jump start

your ZZ business and come faster to new members.


What would you need the most for starters is the List of Zubee Sites.


Than, you could create a custom splash page to promote your new team

and recruit new members.

Make sense? 

                      The Lazy Surfer & Creator of



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