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Marketing Checkpoint

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 The first thing anyone should do is research the various aspects of internet marketing to get an idea of what would work best for you and your situation.

This will save you a lot of time, a lot of aggravation, and most of all, Lots of wasted cash.


 Forums like this are a great place to read about what is and isn't working as well as interact with people that are actually making it work.


Google search is an amazing tool. If you are considering a program or system, odds are there is info available about it and it's owner.  

Knowledge is power.


If you could give just one piece of advice to someone who was brand new to internet marketing, what would it be?

Don't fall in love with your product.


If people don't like it and won't join after you have given it your best shot, don't hesitate to get rid of it. :)


I was smart enough to get rid of the program that I thought everyone would join. So, I found other great programs that people wouldn't hesitate to join.


In fact, Dave can verify that I'm the Top Referrer in one program that we both promote. :)


Don't spend a lot of money until you get a feel for the difference between scams and honest opportunities. Join free programs and try them out.

There are two ways to face the future. One way is
with apprehension; the other is with anticipation  .

Guest mrclean0325

To add a bit to the great advice given so far, there is one thing I see people have problems with I will address.


Lack of education about the industry. There is a HUGE learning curve you have to get past.


Many come into this industry without a clue on how or why it works and this causes a lot of problems for them. The IM industry is all about selling. It is all about "attention getting". It is all about marketing (nicer word for selling).


You have to understand that no matter who you are, what product or service you have and even if you are the very best thing...if nobody knows who you are or you are even there...you will not make any money.


You have to understand that your site, ads, opportunity, and even YOU do not exist online UNTIL someone clicks a link. I know this sounds like something out of the Matrix, but it is very true. You have to stand out to be noticed and it is ALL about the "Internet Popularity Contest".


Bottom line is if you don't want anything to do with selling or getting attention to yourself or product - you may want to look at something else besides IM or many other Internet opportunities. They all in one way or another rely on selling and attention getting.

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