Deanna Fisher Posted June 1, 2013 Report Posted June 1, 2013 The thought of buying traffic might seem pretty scary to you but it shouldn't. Buying traffic requires a mindset shift that can really help move your campaigns out of loss and into profit. The reason is simple: You get to fail faster! By doing this you find out what is and isn't working much more quickly than by using SEO or other “free” traffic methods. (I put “free” in sarcastic quotation marks because no traffic is truly free. It will at the very least cost you time). When you buy traffic, you buy data. That data tells a story. It tells you how your headlines and calls to action are performing. From that you can learn the true motivation of the people in your niche. From that you can refine your campaign and beef up your profits. Don’t get me wrong. SEO is awesome and we love free traffic as much as the next person, but buying traffic forces you to think differently. It brings home the importance of your ROI (Return on Investment). That’s something which is too easily overlooked when you don’t have a price tag attached to the clicks you’re driving to your website. If you’re looking to just dip your toe into the paid traffic pool I would recommend solo ads. I've done very well with them. And if your interested, I have a few sites that I have recently launched, check them out. Thank you. Jasond188, Johnnybync, lowell78 and 5 others 3 5 Quote
Matt Koshko Posted June 2, 2013 Report Posted June 2, 2013 Great topic! Buying traffic can certainly be a risk if you're new (even seasoned) but with proper planning and sensible purchases, it can pay off. Of course there are many variables that must be taken in to consideration when evaluating the effectiveness of that purchased traffic. The guarantee of traffic from a purchase is certainly a good thing though, of course, more risky since it is an investment (and most people want to earn that investment back). I like to rely SOME of my efforts through purchased traffic, but certainly not the majority. Quote Hustle. Do everything in your power to reach beyond your goals.
patria hinds Posted June 2, 2013 Report Posted June 2, 2013 Buying traffic can be risky most businesses are scams and you don't get quality or real traffic to your website. I am looking for a company you can provide real customer who are truly interested. Quote
DigitalDon Posted February 14, 2014 Report Posted February 14, 2014 Beware of companies that simply offer "clicks" to your site - more often than not they either have a gaggle of people who just sit at their computers and click on links all day long without even looking at the page, or they have an automated system that does the same thing (using "proxy" servers to disguise the fact that all the clicks are coming from the same place). These are holdovers from the days when the search engines used less-sophisticated means to determine a site's "relevance," counting only the NUMBER of visits to a site, without taking into account where those clicks were actually coming from. Those days are long-gone! I agree with Matt that solo ads are probably the best way for new marketers (I refuse to insult them by calling them "newbies") to enter the "paid traffic" scene. I would definitely stay away from Google AdWords until you have a firm understanding of exactly how it works, or you could end up like so many fledgling marketers who ended up wasting SERIOUS amounts of money on traffic that didn't convert for a wide variety of other reasons. Using AdWords effectively requires a lot of research into keywords, trends, and a number of other factors. (IMHO, handicapping a horse race is child's play in comparison!) I also STRONGLY recommend that you don't send "paid" traffic directly to an "affiliate site" that the vendor gave you to promote the product/service. If you're serious about being an online marketer, then you should be using that paid traffic to build your own list! That way you have multiple opportunities to recoup your investment in their original "click" by communicating with them. If you don't have an autoresponder and corresponding squeeze page, GET ONE NOW - and learn how to use them! Lastly, if you're serious about your online business, DON'T use a Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL or MSN email address in your online correspondence. It's a dead giveaway that you're an "amateur" at best, and most people don't have to understand a lot about online marketing to recognize this. GMail has become the preferred "third-party" email provider of marketers, although the best address by far is one that's associated with your own domain (e.g: ""). Sorry if I wandered off the original topic a bit, but in a roundabout way it all ties together... Darren Olander and lowell78 2 Quote
Joetta Ripley Posted March 8, 2014 Report Posted March 8, 2014 The thought of buying traffic might seem pretty scary to you but it shouldn't. Buying traffic requires a mindset shift that can really help move your campaigns out of loss and into profit. The reason is simple: You get to fail faster! By doing this you find out what is and isn't working much more quickly than by using SEO or other “free” traffic methods. (I put “free” in sarcastic quotation marks because no traffic is truly free. It will at the very least cost you time). When you buy traffic, you buy data. That data tells a story. It tells you how your headlines and calls to action are performing. From that you can learn the true motivation of the people in your niche. From that you can refine your campaign and beef up your profits. Don’t get me wrong. SEO is awesome and we love free traffic as much as the next person, but buying traffic forces you to think differently. It brings home the importance of your ROI (Return on Investment). That’s something which is too easily overlooked when you don’t have a price tag attached to the clicks you’re driving to your website. If you’re looking to just dip your toe into the paid traffic pool I would recommend solo ads. I've done very well with them. And if your interested, I have a few sites that I have recently launched, check them out. Thank you. Very good points you have made here. Good information. Quote Joetta RipleyMarketing Coach & Mentor
paulserban Posted March 8, 2014 Report Posted March 8, 2014 I tried a lot of free traffic, but with "tiny" results.Buy traffic from good quality sites, target and re-target traffic, and the results will come. Quote - a paid membership site which allows free members too! - my first safelist mailer site!
John Priestley Posted March 16, 2014 Report Posted March 16, 2014 I have had mixed results. I mow track my ads and do not buy lists from companies where I get poor results. I have never really thought about buying traffic. Has anyone done a real analysis as to whether it pays dividends? Quote
paulserban Posted April 13, 2014 Report Posted April 13, 2014 I have had mixed results. I mow track my ads and do not buy lists from companies where I get poor results.Is not about to buy "lists", it's about "traffic"! Quote - a paid membership site which allows free members too! - my first safelist mailer site!
Matt Koshko Posted April 22, 2014 Report Posted April 22, 2014 Buying lists may be a starting point but the real focus should be on offering value while building relationships. You're much better off having a list of 100 people who know, like and trust you than a list of 10,000 who don't know you and mark you as a spammer. Quote Hustle. Do everything in your power to reach beyond your goals.
Darren Olander Posted April 22, 2014 Report Posted April 22, 2014 I agree with Don, for the ability to always follow-up .. it is important to be building your own list. Quote Founder of Marketing CheckpointMy Blog
Roscoe Posted June 7, 2014 Report Posted June 7, 2014 Can anyone name good quality sites to buy traffic from? Quote
John Priestley Posted February 17, 2015 Report Posted February 17, 2015 I wouldn't mind hearing from people who have bought good list either. I need to get my message out there (smile). Best regards and looking forward to hearing from you soon, John. Quote
Steve Man Posted April 19, 2015 Report Posted April 19, 2015 Buying traffic ????? No does not work IF you had quality traffic to sell why sell it and not send it to your hot product website and make a killing ???? No its just preying on the desperate who have little traffic to there websites. SEO is above there heads and if using a affiliate website there is no change of getting ranked in the Search engines hence people turn to such methods of buying so called traffic. Quote To Your SucessSteve Man Take your marketing to the next level with Referral Frenzy.
Len Posted May 23, 2015 Report Posted May 23, 2015 The thought of buying traffic might seem pretty scary to you but it shouldn't. Buying traffic requires a mindset shift that can really help move your campaigns out of loss and into profit. The reason is simple: You get to fail faster! By doing this you find out what is and isn't working much more quickly than by using SEO or other “free” traffic methods. (I put “free” in sarcastic quotation marks because no traffic is truly free. It will at the very least cost you time). When you buy traffic, you buy data. That data tells a story. It tells you how your headlines and calls to action are performing. From that you can learn the true motivation of the people in your niche. From that you can refine your campaign and beef up your profits. Don’t get me wrong. SEO is awesome and we love free traffic as much as the next person, but buying traffic forces you to think differently. It brings home the importance of your ROI (Return on Investment). That’s something which is too easily overlooked when you don’t have a price tag attached to the clicks you’re driving to your website. If you’re looking to just dip your toe into the paid traffic pool I would recommend solo ads. I've done very well with them. And if your interested, I have a few sites that I have recently launched, check them out. Thank you. Good Stuff I stayed away from paid traffic for a long time, but just this year I got a course and it showed you how to build a list and build it fast,....not with FREE traffic but with....PAID traffic and for me it is the way to go. You see results and make money so much faster. Quote Marketing Training At It's Best
KarriDaltonHull Posted June 10, 2015 Report Posted June 10, 2015 In my opinion getting traffic is never free. You will either pay for it in dollars or in time. And to me, time is money. I don't have much money at all. I'm just starting to make it now, but I started a few months ago with just a couple $10 upgrades and reinvested my earnings as seed money. I would rather pay for an upgrade (or views) at a great mailer or TE that has proven results, then spend hours and hours and hours surfing for those same credits. Don't get me wrong, I do surf too, but I have found it much more effective to pay $10 to buy 1-2000 views and spend the 5 hours it would have taken me to earn those views by socializing and blogging and building my brand... it is just more effective for me. Yep time is money. I have found I can spend $10 and make that back plus more, or I could take the entire day to work for the same traffic I could have bought for $10. That's a lot of work to save $10. This is a business and I find re-investing as much $$$ back into my business as I can has been the turning point for me. Quote The 10K Challenge is the easiest to follow step-by-step training system and funnel that you've ever seen. Just give it a chance it is completely free there are no upgrades available in this. There is a downline builder of over 60 top mailers, many with promo codes to ensure you start strong with tons of advertising. The 2 Phase Video Training containing 4 levels of clear step by step training and support is unlike any of the others. You'll see the difference and power the minute you login. You'll be impressed and excited.Join NowAdd me on Google+ or other social networkLet me know you're serious and I'll stop promoting me and start promoting your link insteadContact me
Len Posted June 12, 2015 Report Posted June 12, 2015 Yes I now realize if I want quick results paid is the way to go, have used solo ads and now have good reputible sellers, has anyone else got some good paid traffic sites they would like to share. Quote Marketing Training At It's Best
rpsmith Posted June 13, 2015 Report Posted June 13, 2015 I tend to avoid this as much as possible. I got burned a few times by "services" like this. Most of the time, I was getting hits, but no inquiries or sales. Learned later that the service I was using employed bots. Quote Free Video Chat Service! Get Connected And Stay Connected!Click Here!
target Posted July 3, 2015 Report Posted July 3, 2015 I've bought solo ads on the Warrior Forum with varied results. Some sellers pad their lists with crappy ppc third word addresses while a couple I actually have made a profit on my initial mailing. (you can't count on that happening). The aim is to get real,interested people to subscribe to my list. I will use them again but right now I'm focusing on a different method that is showing some great early results Quote
target Posted July 3, 2015 Report Posted July 3, 2015 The problem is that most people simply join a program that promises the sun and the moon,they just put up the stock affiliate website/landing page and throw it out on a few traffic exchanges with all the other cookie cutter landing pages and sales pages.People are clicking to get credits and unless you can grab someones attention in a couple seconds they will just click on by.That is why I always suggest to learn how to use Wordpress and a real autoresponder. Build your list first, then send them information and offers. Quote
lowell78 Posted July 4, 2015 Report Posted July 4, 2015 Of all the topics, buying traffic is a good one. The so called free traffic is not alway's free as mentioned above. Myself I have had mixed response, with purchased traffic, as well as Free.the one thing that I noticed, is the better you are at ads the more traffic you will get.Some times I think, it would pay to spend Ffiver and get some great ads. at least you could look them over and get a feel for if you would buy.Thanks Quote
iamherbertflores Posted July 5, 2015 Report Posted July 5, 2015 Before you buy traffic make sure to check if they have some proven results, testimonies or case study. :-) Quote
Christygal Posted August 21, 2015 Report Posted August 21, 2015 I'm at the point where I'm still "adding" to my list of traffic generating sources, and not "cutting". If something looks even remotely legitimate, I am not afraid of throwing some money and effort in that direction. My goal for this year is to spend upwards of $5000 joining and testing various ad sites, safe-lists, traffic exchanges, lead generators, and so on and so forth. As August is just over half way through, I have spent a bit over $3500 this year on a wide variety of income generating tools, so I still have a bit of money left in my overall ad budget to continue testing. This style of marketing may not offer the highest cost/benefit ratio right away, but what I am doing is gaining a wealth of knowledge as I continue on in my journey. What have I learned so far? A lot actually lol. Some ad sites deliver and some don't. It's usually not that cut and dry however. Usually what I find is there is SOME value in everything I try, but not necessarily enough to continue paying on a monthly subscription for example. Quote
celiacoach Posted August 22, 2015 Report Posted August 22, 2015 Some of the top marketers use paid traffic and recommend places like Warrior Forum, Clickonomy and Udimi. Personally I have not had great results with Udimi but it obviously depends who you buy traffic from. Quote
market101 Posted August 23, 2015 Report Posted August 23, 2015 I have had mixed results with both single (one -time) paid Traffic and paid bulk email traffic. None of the results were fantastic. I seem to do just as well building a list and using TEs and safelists. Quote *************************************************************There are two ways to face the future. One way iswith apprehension; the other is with anticipation .*************************************************************
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