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  • Adtroopers Owner?
    Started by Darren Olander on 04 July 2018 - 11:02 AM

    Who is the owner of Adtroopers right now? According to the website it is Bo Tipton, and according to my Traffic Codex it is Carol Walczack... I would lean towards their website being correct, but I submitted a support ticket in May and there is...

  • How important do you feel that grammar is in sending our ads and sharing our business platform
    Started by Michael Harris on 15 July 2018 - 07:06 AM

    I received an email this morning from a gentleman who said he was his team's executive leader. He goes on to explain his role as leader and exactly what it is his program does. But the more he wrote the worst his grammar became making it had to...

  • Does MATTHEW GRAVES owe you money?
    Started by Margot Lawrence on 10 July 2018 - 03:16 PM

    Does MATTHEW GRAVES owe you money? If so, you're not alone!


    Once a respected online marketing "guru", Matthew has turned to the dark side in the last couple of years, and now owes large amounts of money to large numbers of...

  • Using Traffic Exchanges
    Started by vhicks on 19 July 2018 - 07:33 AM

    Choosing and Using traffic exchanges to build a list and promote products. Are there any tips and tricks to getting the most out of these marketing resources?

  • Propaganda about TE's being DEAD.
    Started by Maryanne Myers -Webstars2K on 02 July 2018 - 03:54 AM

    I've been seeing, in a certain part of this arena, that they are saying "TE's are Dead" or that they "will be in a year" or "dying".


    It is propaganda.


    It's THAT part of the arena that has been squashed....

  • Bing Ads
    Started by tenderia15 on 14 July 2018 - 03:27 PM

    Spend hundreds of dollars in Bing Ads with lots of impressions and clicks but no sales...what could be wrong?

  • Hi, I'm kind of new here!
    Started by Terry on 27 June 2018 - 06:31 AM



    I've not been here for a long time, but just checked my profile and saw that I joined in 2013  :o 
    So I'm just getting my bearings here, and finding my feet.

    Wanted to say hi to everyone!


  • Am New Here
    Started by jentop on 24 June 2018 - 07:36 PM

    Good day Everyone,


      Am new here.

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