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From a users perspective it makes it a lot easier to manage the email accounts and mailings, but it will probably decrease the effectiveness of the safelist since you probably even won't read the email. On the other hand, more emails probably get read.


I know there are some high profile SL owners here and I would like to know what you think about safelist managers (for example sl genie, the only one I know about)?


I use UltiSend, I love it and and recommend it to everyone. As for others like SL Genie, I have never looked very closely at.

UltiSend is just for sending mails, right? For reading, do you just read them manually through your mail account or do you just live of of your referrals and upgrades?


UltiSend is just for sending mails, right? For reading, do you just read them manually through your mail account or do you just live of of your referrals and upgrades?


Ah, yea... I just read from gmail, but admittedly I don't read a whole lot since I have upgrades everywhere. 

Founder of Marketing Checkpoint

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Anything that reads or clicks for you is considered cheating and will eventually get you banned.  It's not worth the risk.


Software that submits for you is most likely up to the owners discretion.


Programs that organizer your mailers and tell you when to send are fine.  UltiSend is good.  I also like Mailer Ninja because it is so simple.



  • 3 months later...

I don't know how SafelistGenie works. But Effectiveness of Safelists also depends on the Subject line and Body of the Email Ad. That is why Safelists and Mailers brings better results compared to Traffic Exchanges. I think it is better to avoid such softwares that helps to skip through the reading part.

I am a big fan of SL Genie setting it up and using it save me a lot of time and allows me to interact well with the SLs that SL Genie uses. I think it is well worth learning how to use it. I even developed a series of training emails on using SL Genie for those who are in SL Genie below me. If you are not in SL Genie and would like to join click this link and I will be happy to help you use SL Genie: http://theminiurl.com/jp14 , If you are in SL Genie I have posted my email guides for SL Genie on my blog at http://www.GrandSlamBiz.com/?rd=ii3rfdwY


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