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You mean it is less now or was less before? I'm seeing great traffic from safelists still.

Indeed, there are some safelists which mentain the traffic at the same level, but in general the traffic is less than the past time.

There are more less emails, in some cases I didn't make enough credits to send an email to the list.

http://www.1001nightsmailer.com - a paid membership site which allows free members too!


http://www.pizzasafelistmailer.com - my first safelist mailer site!


A lot of sites definitely launch and slowly die off so you need to watch for that. As for enough mails, people see that differently... I don't think that you should necessarily be able to earn a full mailing by reading mails for a day, there needs to be a good incentive to upgrade too and usually the fewer mails means higher results for those mails. 

Founder of Marketing Checkpoint

My Blog


You might save a lot of time and money if  you track all 270 to see where you're getting results (opt -ins to your list, signups, sales,...).
Maybe you'll end up with 50 then :) Or less if you weed out some more.

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  • 2 months later...

I just deleteted more then 300.000 emails from my inbox, from last month!


I am thinking how much traffic is lost, how much work for sending these emails, how many unfilfiled hopes have made those who sent emails, ...


There are millions of members who make the same opperation, it's aberrant!!!

http://www.1001nightsmailer.com - a paid membership site which allows free members too!


http://www.pizzasafelistmailer.com - my first safelist mailer site!


I am according with Kenny, I surf manually and I know isn't so easy.

But ... my time is to short and I don't want to waste my time clicking icons to Listavail for only 5 credits (I've never string to get required credits for sending minimum of emails)

I TOTALLY agree Paul!! A lousy 5 credits sucks. 

Site owners (I feel) keep the credits you can earn (as a free

member...& even some sites do this to  paid members) LOW in

order to encourage you to upgrade.


Bad idea.


Site owners NEED to remember...they

have TONS of competition. There are thousands

of mailers out there. 


There are several I REFUSE to earn credits at.

When you're in 300 mailers like myself...TIME=MONEY.


If you're only giving me 5 credits and allowing

only 3 tabs opened at a time...I'm moving on.


Rest assured MANY others will too. The result?

FEW ads are being SEEN, making the mailer less

effective for us all.


Just my two cents  :)

Warmest Regards,

John Lederer

Marketer since 1995

Online since 2000


I have noticed that many safelist mailers have improved the surfing and emailing rules! This is a good opportunity to improve their traffic and to attract more subscribers. I'll promote them all the time.


Others, they have some rules that you are crying. As a free member you can send emails to 250-300 members, when you have thousands of credits from surfing. And even worse, there are some of them which allow to send only 50 emails to members!!! After I'll finish my credits, these safelists will be in my blacklist for ever!

http://www.1001nightsmailer.com - a paid membership site which allows free members too!


http://www.pizzasafelistmailer.com - my first safelist mailer site!


If you're only giving me 5 credits and allowing

only 3 tabs opened at a time...I'm moving on.


I'm with you John.  No one is going to get excited about 5 credits.  I think there is a learning curve here.  Newbies will click for awhile until something "better" comes along.  There seems to be two main types of Affiliate Program Marketers.  The program owner/admin and the affiliate members.  The members can be further broken down into 2 main types; one group picks a program and sticks with it for many months (even years in some cases) while the other group, which I believe is the larger one, gets bored easily and keeps on moving from program to program.  It would interesting to get Darren and Kenny's take on this.

There are two ways to face the future. One way is
with apprehension; the other is with anticipation  .


I'm with you John.  No one is going to get excited about 5 credits.  I think there is a learning curve here.  Newbies will click for awhile until something "better" comes along.  There seems to be two main types of Affiliate Program Marketers.  The program owner/admin and the affiliate members.  The members can be further broken down into 2 main types; one group picks a program and sticks with it for many months (even years in some cases) while the other group, which I believe is the larger one, gets bored easily and keeps on moving from program to program.  It would interesting to get Darren and Kenny's take on this.


Well personally I'm happy to upgrade and use any site that proves to me it delivers results. Results is what I care about, so if a site becomes inactive then I just won't use it anymore. I always keep an eye out for good mailers to add to my list of mailers I use regularly.. for me the more the merrier :)

Founder of Marketing Checkpoint

My Blog


I think those worried about the limited number of people being reached through a SL or a TE and looking at the process with the wrong purpose. We should be looking at these as ways of building our personnel list not as supporting a SL or a TE. When you send a message out you are trying to get the person reading your message to join your list. When you focus on your own list it doesn't matter weather you are sending to 1 or to 1,000,000 or weather you are sending every day or every 7 days. Your focus is in getting that person to join your list so you can work with them directly.

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