Thomas H. Keoppel Posted April 14, 2014 Report Posted April 14, 2014 After what happend to the last site from this owner, it blows me away to see certain people promoting Kore4. Do not take my word for it, ask around and try to find any satisfied members from his PTC fiasco.(Or if the new owner is happy about the sale details) I care enough about my reputation NOT to put my name on anything from Tim Tech. When I make mistakes, I do my best to fix it. Telling Tim Tech about a mistake could get your account deleted. I am not worried about mine, never had any and never will. Due dilligence is more than just a good idea. Happy marketing,Thomas H. Keoppel Sean Supplee and Maria McCarthy 2 Quote
Sean Supplee Posted April 17, 2014 Report Posted April 17, 2014 Could not of said it better myself Thomas! What you promote reflects on you, promoting Kore4 is like promoting someone that launches a site grabs all the cash they can from it and then sells it off. Or someone who treats their JV's poorly and removes their upgrade or one day decides hey we should reduce all of the commissions on all of our sites and not tell anyone let them be surprised. The constant stream of treating their customers and who used to be supporters of theirs is horrible and why anyone would still promote anything of theirs baffles me. I guess times like these are when you see peoples true morals. Maria McCarthy 1 Quote
Maria McCarthy Posted April 17, 2014 Report Posted April 17, 2014 I have been feeling let down by some of the names I've seen come into my inbox with a Kore4 promotion. There are just some people I expect more from, very disappointed in a few people.. Sean Supplee 1 Quote
Marcy McManaway Posted April 17, 2014 Report Posted April 17, 2014 I totally agree Maria... Those with big reputations should not promote a scam. And this is a big one! Maria McCarthy and Sean Supplee 2 Quote
Edwal Richards Posted April 18, 2014 Report Posted April 18, 2014 I personally will not join any more sites from Tim Tech. Totally dissapointed. Maria McCarthy and Sean Supplee 2 Quote
Shon Jimenez Posted April 24, 2014 Report Posted April 24, 2014 I am so glad I never really promoted anything of theirs. I did not know what was going on with Tim Tech until I become a traffic exchange owner. I've joined a few o their tee's a long time ago, but never spent much time on them. The problem I am having is I have a lot of members wanting me to get some of the CTP games for my TE. I have resisted it so far, but not sure if I should even consider getting the Submarine Game. I hate supporting people who rip other people off. But what to do if your members are asking for one of their products? Sean Supplee and Maria McCarthy 2 Quote Even Free Members Earn Cash at Social Viral Profits and Paranormal Traffic.
Jerry Iannucci Posted April 24, 2014 Report Posted April 24, 2014 I guess you can add me to that list. I'm still a fan of TimTech Sean Supplee and Maria McCarthy 2 Quote
Sean Supplee Posted April 26, 2014 Report Posted April 26, 2014 lol, great to know you support a company that has closed down their previous 3 sites, removed commissions and JV accounts, Failed to pay out thousands and instead keep the cash from nerdbux let alone all the affiliate that paid money to have their ads shown and never got what they paid for. Real good on you to promote a company that does that to their members, JV partners and affiliates Why people still stick up for this crap floors me Maria McCarthy 1 Quote
Maria McCarthy Posted April 26, 2014 Report Posted April 26, 2014 Yeah, I was just thinking to myself that I commend Jerry for being so "big" but I doubt they would do the same for him if the shoe were on the other foot.Actually, if someone complained to them that Jerry was not paying out members or his sites weren't working, they would probably just remove him from their downline builders & do some grandstanding, while they were at it.Very big of you, Jerry, to stick your neck out for them though - I respect that. But, as I said, I doubt they would do the same for you (especially if you "pulled a Nerdbux") and if you believe they would, you're fooling yourself. Question... Why didn't they ever make any big announcements about selling Nerdbux and all of their members lifetime upgrades to a scammer? I mean, they make big announcements about everything else, don't they? I'm very confused. And they also have no trouble at all pointing out the faults of others....odd how they never speak of Nerdbux publicly now... hmm. Prediction: The next installment of this adventure will include them saying that this was all a planned marketing technique to drum up controversy and get people talking with a "See, it worked. Now everyone's talking about us." I'm sure the spin doctors are working on it now. Grabbing my popcorn, or should I grab a violin & some cash? market101 1 Quote
Jerry Iannucci Posted April 27, 2014 Report Posted April 27, 2014 Yes, Nerdbux was a colossal failure. Nobody would deny that. They built one of the most popular sites on the web in an industry they had no business being in and it all came crashing down on them. After watching what it was doing to them personally over the last few months I would have sold it at the first opportunity I had too. Members were being paid until the day they sold it. I suppose it's possible they programmed the script to show real time stats of fake members being paid every day. I bought a lifetime upgrade a month earlier so I did get burned too but unless they were lieing about cheaters (in ptc??) cleaning out their account they lost a lot more than I did. The only other sites I can think of that closed were TE Teams and Sitizens. No big losses there. I just find it hard to believe they would need to run a deliberate scam like that and risk everything while they still have I Love Hits, StartXchange, ThumbVu, Sweeva, CTP, Doctor Traffic, List Nerds, TEList,, and Rocket Responder. Are they also scams? Because they have been paying me for years! I might not agree with everything they do but I am not going to be bullied into turning my back on them until I hear both sides of the story. market101 and Jasond188 2 Quote
Maria McCarthy Posted April 27, 2014 Report Posted April 27, 2014 No one is trying to bully anyone, Jerry I think we are just saying it's ok to and it's time to discuss this. It's NOT ok to pretend that what they did, didn't happen. It's NOT ok that Jon Olson posted a Spreecast 4 days ago (I'm sure there's been more that are no longer up) bragging about expensive gadgets he got with the money that people sent his company because they trusted him. (Bad taste & bad timing) People from places that couldn't well afford those "indulgences" and probably went without because of the hope and belief that he inspired in them before letting them down. You want two sides of the story? Go to the last Spreecast and read my comments. I've never been so disgusted in my life and I didn't hold back. And I'm not worried about the repercussions and I never will be. It hurts our reputations, as fellow site owners & admin if we pretend this was ok and just sweep it under the rug. And there was a certain way that many of us would expect them to act, for forgiveness to follow, and that Spreecast certainly was not it. Yes, people make mistakes. I will make mistakes as I go along, I'm 100% sure of that. But you can bet your bottom dollar that my response to those mistakes will never resemble the response that I've seen from TT the past month or so. A little birdie told me about Nerdbux, soon after it happened. I've kept my lips sealed for as long as I can. I've just been waiting for them to do something that would allow me to forgive them, respect them & not worry about our community but it hasn't happened yet. Two sides of the story is a great idea... let's hope these discussions provoke sthe story to come forth, from the horses mouth because we've all been waiting and waiting and... interior environmental 1 Quote
Sean Supplee Posted April 27, 2014 Report Posted April 27, 2014 uhm Yes I could go as far as saying they are scams now with the launch of Kore4 Why? Anyone that ever JVed for or referred anyone to any of their TE's has just been screwed out of commissions. Unless you promoted CTP your pretty well screwed for promoting ILovehits, Startxchange, thumbvu, Sweeva. An Jerry you gotta look at the bigger picture. They have screwed over so many people to get where they are.The accusation of Adkreator is a whole cluster F and Sweeva should not even exist after the BS that happened there. Their entire business is a scam, screw over people joke WAKE UP ALREADY!Nor am I bulling you lol These are clear facts and people standing up for themselves who used to be afraid to because Jon O. would backlash at them in TE live and call them names and make up rumors to try and destroy their business. Take the time and gather the facts and you'll quickly see why you should support people like this. Maria McCarthy 1 Quote
Maryanne Myers -Webstars2K Posted May 2, 2014 Report Posted May 2, 2014 "Prediction: The next installment of this adventure will include them saying that this was all a planned marketing technique to drum up controversy and get people talking with a "See, it worked. Now everyone's talking about us." I'm sure the spin doctors are working on it now. Grabbing my popcorn, or should I grab a violin & some cash?" Being hated or talked about (controversial) only works if it's not past a certain degree.From what I have been reading in forums, it has gone way past that it wouldn't work. DrMillionaire, Maria McCarthy, market101 and 1 other 3 1 Quote PHP Programmer - Internet Marketer - Web Designer - Advertising Network OwnerCelebrating 22 years in business - Since 1998
Maria McCarthy Posted May 3, 2014 Report Posted May 3, 2014 Maryanne... I hope you're right! I do feel that there has been a bit of a shift lately... so people are definitely starting to get smart. But you wouldn't believe some of the things Jon has said where, right after he's said them, I think "Ok, now these people are going to see what a load of BS this is." But they don't! The internet is full of people willing to believe anything they say as long as they flash expensive gadgets on their TELive screens. What those people don't realize is that following the Timtech crew isn't going to get them any flashy gadgets, it's only going to get more for Timtech! Timtech isn't there to help anyone, they are their to only help themselves. Perfect example... Sunny Suggs just opened a TE a week or so ago... and I want everyone to look up a Spreecast on google that she did (look it up fast because once they see this, they will pull the video - I have it saved) look up "Sunny Suggs" and "Click Your Face Off Again" and watch that video... between the 20-22 minute mark she tells everyone that she started the TE "Click Your Face Off" because she was "broke." Ok, Timtech.. so you mean to tell me that this woman who has worked for you and followed you and has done everything you've told her to do is still broke after years? Call me crazy, but how do any of their followers watch something like that and not realize that following Timtech is hopeless for them. You can make money online, but you surely are not going to do it following Timtech. There are only a few people who make money from Timtech and I won't name them now, but they are just as dirty as Timtech. You'll know who I'm talking about when you see those "big" names promoting them. And here's an example of one of those ridiculous things that Jon Olson said, where I thought people would finally see what a sham it all was...Jon Olson was trying to bully an admin who was launching a new site... he was trying to alienate that admin; get other admins not to promote his launch by calling anyone who promoted his launch "Cash Grabbers" (while there are cash grabbers out there, for sure, the shoe didn't fit in this case) Anyway.. no one wants to be pegged as a "cash grabber"... but a few people saw this for what it was and said "Hey, wait a second... didn't you just promote the Legacy Clix launch before the site was even done or the graphics? That wasn't a cash grab?" And this was one of those times when Jon decided to say it was all part of their marketing plan to get people talking (Hand to heart, I'm not exaggerating!) I thought for sure that this one comment would wake some people up... but, no. Now they are writing a report/book about all their haters and trying to position themselves as "victim." I'm sure they will be able to sell that idea to a few but I hope that more people will begin to see these things for what they really are = manipulations. It can be very confusing for folks because Timtech is very good an manipulating vulnerable individuals who maybe don't think they have what it takes to make it on their own, so they are looking for someone to follow. And there are some other big folks who are greedy and know Timtech is good at that, and they want a piece of the pie too, so they promote them... even when they know it's wrong. I don't see how it's possible that they DON'T know it's wrong to promote Timtech, because how could you tell people to spend their money with a company that has closed down 3 sites and taken all the money their members spent at those sites, without so much as an apology and NOT know that is wrong? I would have to believe that some pretty big names out there are not very smart for me to believe that. And so, there are these big names, who want a piece of that pie, promoting Timtech too and that is even more confusing to people with no marketing experience online.But, if your one of those people reading this, don't be fooled by the big names promoting... and don't be fooled by the people who have been hanging on for years and haven't gotten anywhere yet... like Sunny Suggs... because those people have been spending their money for so long with Timtech that they don't want to admit to themselves that it was all a waste - that would just be too painful... they don't want to start over... and so they force themselves to keep believing, no matter what reality tells them. Sean Supplee 1 Quote
Maria McCarthy Posted May 23, 2014 Report Posted May 23, 2014 Oops... just posted something here I'd meant to post elsewhere Quote
Bernard Posted October 1, 2015 Report Posted October 1, 2015 We all have to remember these are real people with real jobs,with real lives.Sure you can promote a scam by mistake and not even no it until you've learned the hard way.Back to people who can't surf our check their e-mail after they worked a 12 hour shift for 5 days straight.Don't be to disappointed by they inactivaty,death in the family,somebody got hurt.Those are not excusses,that's life.We all go through a hard times offline where nobody sees it and they don't feel like putting their personal lives online for all to see.I understand that fully.However,yes I agree we all have to be careful what we promote and with that,I will do my best to see my post will be helpful and rewarding for all who join. Quote
gnana Posted October 1, 2015 Report Posted October 1, 2015 Nice thread btw. Only popcorn is missing Quote Get Guaranteed Traffic at Ads Messenger
Kenny Kolijn Posted October 10, 2015 Report Posted October 10, 2015 I prefer a healthier snack One has to be careful when deciding what to promote. Some things aren't in our hands, it's the site owner who has their reputation to keep, but same for us who promote sites to our list or the members of our own sites .They trust us and some are lifetime customers who follow us in many programs, so better only promote something you have no doubts about. Even then sometimes accidents happen, out of our control, but that's a good lesson for the next time and if you're open about your own disappointments,people will understand also. Quote You're invited to my NEW site List Impact. me to build a profitable advertising site for you? Contact me.I have a "done-for-you service" for serious marketers (limited).
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