Darren Olander Posted May 10, 2015 Report Posted May 10, 2015 I've seen a number of people promoting MyAdvertisingPays, which looks just like a number of other ponzi schemes that got shut down over the years and people lost a lot of money (remember AdSurfDaily?). Just because it's paying now doesn't make it legitimate.. if they rely on new investments to pay off older ones, it's still a ponzi and will eventually come to an end. affilliate3percent and Johnnybync 1 1 Quote Founder of Marketing CheckpointMy Blog
rockyjohnson Posted May 12, 2015 Report Posted May 12, 2015 Thanks for info. Quote My Blog - https://www.rahul-taneja.com
Glen Palo Posted May 13, 2015 Report Posted May 13, 2015 I joined MyAdvertisingPays but found it just too difficult to set up one of their payment processors since they don't use PayPal. I already lost $$ with Payza and their problems. So I gave up on MAP. Quote
Edwal Richards Posted May 13, 2015 Report Posted May 13, 2015 I totally agree with Darren. MAP appears to be a big ponzi scheme and I am very sceptical about same. For those who do decode to join , my advice would be to get your investment out as soon as possible and PLEASE never invest more than you can afford to lose. affilliate3percent 1 Quote
digimm Posted May 13, 2015 Report Posted May 13, 2015 thanks for the warning Quote Join over 500.000 people with the world’s leading hashpower provider START BITCOIN MINING TODAY!
Lorrie Posted May 18, 2015 Report Posted May 18, 2015 Thanks for the information. It is greatly appreciated. Quote Lorrie FurbertIndependent Representative Surge365
joe woods Posted May 23, 2015 Report Posted May 23, 2015 Thanks i was getting ready to join map. Quote
hiteshsangani Posted May 23, 2015 Report Posted May 23, 2015 programs like revenue share or that do not require sponsoring do not last very long and are not sustainable in a longer term. Quote http://covertcommissions.com/packs/banners/cc468x60.png The Best Facebook strategy click here to find out more
affordwealth Posted May 23, 2015 Report Posted May 23, 2015 No question MAP is a Ponzi scheme. It's worth understanding that any Multi-Level or Affiliate program that requires a monthly or one time fee for the product that isn't worth this fee without money-making part is a hidden Ponzi scheme as well. By this criteria many successful MLM companies, even long-lived are still Ponzi schemes. Sometimes thousands, even millions of people are making money in these programs. I myself participated in such companies (no names) where the product value was much less than montly requirements. affilliate3percent 1 Quote
simkesrb Posted May 23, 2015 Report Posted May 23, 2015 I think that you missed the positive side of the MAPS, targeted advertising with hot buyers with CC in their hands. People that looking in your advertising in MAPS are from Tier 1 group, so i would just pay for advertising there without revenue share. That is my opinion ! affilliate3percent and Steve Shapiro 2 Quote Dinosaur Traffic
market101 Posted May 24, 2015 Report Posted May 24, 2015 I've seen a number of people promoting MyAdvertisingPays, which looks just like a number of other ponzi schemes that got shut down over the years and people lost a lot of money (remember AdSurfDaily?). Just because it's paying now doesn't make it legitimate.. if they rely on new investments to pay off older ones, it's still a ponzi and will eventually come to an end. I forgot about AdsSurdDaily. I think you're right. Thanks for the heads up ..... Quote *************************************************************There are two ways to face the future. One way iswith apprehension; the other is with anticipation .*************************************************************
LifeTransformation Posted May 25, 2015 Report Posted May 25, 2015 If you do the math, you really don't make very much with MAPS unless you do a LOT of recruiting. Each credit pack costs $49.95+fees...so they actually cost about $56. The most that you can earn back on each credit pack is $60, so you're up $4 per credit pack....but $3 goes into an 'Advertising Fund', so you can only cash out and profit about a dollar. All for surfing 10 sites per day for however long it takes to get the $60 back (Right now profit shares are around $0.50 per day). The max credit packs that you can ever own is 1200...which will cost you ~$67,200 and at most you will only be able to cash out $1200 - assuming you never sponsor anyone. Definitely not all it's cracked up to be. siddhh 1 Quote Check Out My Coaching Program & Learn How You Can Stop Overwhelm And Frustration Dead In It’s Tracks… ignition.elitemarketingacademy.com Also, check out TripleClicks (just click the image below). They now have over 4 million users, so it's a great place to list your products, and it's free!http://sfibanners.csidn.com/banner452.png
successful1 Posted May 26, 2015 Report Posted May 26, 2015 I've been advertising banner ads on that site off and on for a couple months. Its been generating a decent amount of hits for the price. I haven't really dug too much deeper into it other than that though. Quote
ckoch Posted June 8, 2015 Report Posted June 8, 2015 if its the co i remember they moved over seas years ago and thats why its still working Quote
Kenny Kolijn Posted June 11, 2015 Report Posted June 11, 2015 I wouldn't join any of those programs again, soon or late they'll go down and you'll have invested more in it than you first anticipated and then you realize it's either gone or that you can't withdraw the money (unless you invest even more).Plenty of other ways to earn money. An investment in a training course about marketing is way smarter than gambling with your money in such a system that is not built to last. gnana and siddhh 2 Quote You're invited to my NEW site List Impact.http://www.listimpact.com/affiliate/banners/468x60b.jpgWant me to build a profitable advertising site for you? Contact me.I have a "done-for-you service" for serious marketers (limited).
celiacoach Posted June 12, 2015 Report Posted June 12, 2015 I am glad to see this topic - I had just signed up with them so won't take it further - thanks! Quote http://internet-marketing-site.com
Roosevelt Evans III Posted July 3, 2015 Report Posted July 3, 2015 Nearly all revenue sharing programs are Ponzi schemes. A good example was Zeek Rewards. Quote Kindest Regards.Roosevelt Evans IIISimple Income- Spare Time- Serious Incomehttp://bewellandprosper.biz615-481-4729
wordsmatter2me Posted July 8, 2015 Report Posted July 8, 2015 I appreciate the warning, for as I try to create more income streams this is one I will not join. Quote
successful1 Posted July 8, 2015 Report Posted July 8, 2015 I think I'm going to pull my banners on MAPS for while...maybe just a bit of hiatus while I allocate those funds in other places to test. I've heard from one of my downline people that Greg Chadwick is offering reasonable priced banners that get a whack load of clicks. He has a nice little network reach of a handful of sites, one being TraxAds that I'm fond of. Quote
Phil J. Najera Posted July 15, 2015 Report Posted July 15, 2015 Email from Maps...This is the Fastest and Easiest Way to Make Money Ever. Quote
BionicMan Posted August 1, 2015 Report Posted August 1, 2015 I join them! I just don't trust that site for some reason. Quote "Specialized knowledge is Powerful" www.payhip.com/digiexpress
ansgar Posted August 2, 2015 Report Posted August 2, 2015 I think that you missed the positive side of the MAPS, targeted advertising with hot buyers with CC in their hands. People that looking in your advertising in MAPS are from Tier 1 group, so i would just pay for advertising there without revenue share. That is my opinion ! Forced Traffic ( people click to earn , not to see your site ) = LOWEST QUALITY TRAFFIC THAT EXISTS !You can get 1000 times the traffic at the same price by using monetized URL shorteners like Adfly.... gnana 1 Quote
gnana Posted August 24, 2015 Report Posted August 24, 2015 Wow! Thanks for the warning! I have been seeing it promoted quite immensely but I did not look much into it. But it is always a warning sign when a program does not have Paypal as it's primary payment processor. Quote Get Guaranteed Traffic at Ads Messenger
Paul Coonan Posted August 27, 2015 Report Posted August 27, 2015 This is a classic model, invest money, surf sites, get a return on your investment. This goes back to at least 2002 with Fred Srock and 1helluva.com. I do believe he was the first to create this model out the then rising popularity of traffic exchanges. He ran several other ponzi schemes as well but 1helluva was his major cash cow. There has always been a few brave souls that attempt the same model. Over the years they have gotten smarter by setting limits on how much a person can 'invest.' This is how they tend to last longer before they get busted or collapse because people are not getting hurt as bad as with 1helluva.com in 2002 because smaller attention is upon them. Back in 2002, Fred had no limits. I talked to many people who 'invested' their life savings, people who handed over their children's college funds, maxed out credit cards, got loans, and at least one person I talked to took out a 2nd mortgage against his home. Fred eventually was arrested for running a ponzi scheme. Many years later I had found him on Facebook and asked him what he faced. He spent 30 to 60 days in jail, had to pay everyone back, community service for a year and probation for a few years. Part of his probation was he was no longer allowed internet access. I found him about 3 years ago. At that time he stated he was a manager at Big Lots.http://www.fraudsandscams.com/1Heluva/1heluvascam.htm Quote
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