Kurt Tasche Posted August 8, 2015 Report Posted August 8, 2015 I've used traffic exchanges off and on, and never really got into using them as a main source of traffic. The repetitive tasks of clicking, and the fact that most TE members are using the exchanges to get traffic to their own sites (and have little to no interest in yours), made them undesirable. I know traffic exchanges can work, if you have the write offer on your site. For those who use TE's - what are your strategies for getting the most benefit fromthe exchanges? Brian Francis 1 Quote Click Here For A Proven SCIENTIFIC Approach To Making Money Online
iamherbertflores Posted August 10, 2015 Report Posted August 10, 2015 I use 2 step op-tin on my squeeze page and offering high quality free offers like softwares :-) KenPringle and Cynthiagarden 2 Quote
Darren Olander Posted August 10, 2015 Report Posted August 10, 2015 For me the biggest benefit of TEs is getting referrals. As you get referrals and they surf.. most TEs reward you with free credits from your downline activity.. which can generate a lot of free traffic if you build considerable downlines. Use a downline builder and get the same people joining multiple different TEs and doing that is not too hard. affordwealth, davehayes and Cynthiagarden 3 Quote Founder of Marketing CheckpointMy Blog
fortunelister Posted August 10, 2015 Report Posted August 10, 2015 Traffic exchanges really works you just need a good headline on your capture pageSaw a lot of programs succeed using traffic exchanges one of this the team atlantis rivaal 1 Quote
Glen Palo Posted August 10, 2015 Report Posted August 10, 2015 I use TEs as one way to get referrals and build downlines. It's slow but it works. TEs are also a good way to see what's new and drawing interest. Cynthiagarden, Corrisa and davehayes 3 Quote
affordwealth Posted August 11, 2015 Report Posted August 11, 2015 The ratio of the pages you browse to the displays of your page is so bad that I personally never have time for it. I get TE credits either from referrals or special sales. Having a TE downline builder in my own program helps with referrals. The paradox is that you still hope that there are people browsing, probably novices and those with a lot of extra time. Probably there are, because I still get some decent response from TEs (at least some of them).AS Glen Palo does, I sometime browse just to see what is going on. Brian Francis 1 Quote
market101 Posted August 14, 2015 Report Posted August 14, 2015 Safe Lists, TEs, Rotator Ads, Viral this-that-you name it ........ Seems to all boil down to the same thing. Thousands of people trying to sell their programs to each other. It has been this way for many years. If you have the time, pick the ones you like and go for it. Some people stick with one program while others, like me, advertise 5-10-20 programs. In the long run I believe that either way you end up sponsoring about the same number of people. As far as earning $, as I have said before, it depends on whether or not you are the admin/owner or just a member. See my blog. www.market101.info Quote *************************************************************There are two ways to face the future. One way iswith apprehension; the other is with anticipation .*************************************************************
Robert David Smith Posted August 15, 2015 Report Posted August 15, 2015 Is there a newly released TE training ebook similar to Click Thru Marketing or AAA? I would like to try TEs again if some one could point me to the good ones. Quote
hari Posted August 16, 2015 Report Posted August 16, 2015 1. Most of the Traffic Exchanges were created to help the owner of TE. 2. TE consumes most of our time surfing and seeing the same old pages again and again. 3. we do get refferals but most are not active because most of them who surf are looking for credits for their own websites and they are not real buyers. 4. but still Traffic exchanges have become one of the important traffic source online, because they give hits to websites which is important for those list their sites in the search engines. 5. Traffic exchanges can be productive if they provide the surfers with a long standing benefts like increase in credits with increase in lifetime pages surfed and sending pages to surfer not only country targeted also viewers targeted by knowing their purpose of surfing. 6. I still beleve TE are great idea and something will happen sooner or latter to the TE business and it will be positive and help the advertisers and the surfers. Quote
Kevin J Timothy Posted August 17, 2015 Report Posted August 17, 2015 I find that solving the problems of a typical internet marketeris good strategy. Since they are there only for traffic to theirown sites, why not promote tools that provide that. Also, promoting splash pages and squeeze pages that loadquickly. If you have a minimal budget, traffic exchangesare a good option for traffic. You have to build downlines inthose things, though. You want consistent, cumulative,traffic across MANY exchanges - but the results are methodical. Quote I get super high on this tree!
Bruce Tuggle Posted August 18, 2015 Report Posted August 18, 2015 I find TE's to be useful for getting new members to my primary email list. At the moment, I have two TE's that feed sign-ups to my main list which I use to send special promotions. My signups where I am asking for money are way low as a percentage of the number of emails sent, whereas, the signups to join my lists are acceptable. Quote
Bruno Duarte Posted January 10, 2016 Report Posted January 10, 2016 I no longer use TEs, I personally dont have the time to spend around clicking, and I get much better conversions on other sources (although these are paid). I do however tried, TE Co-op from Pageswirl and based on the traffic sources from my tracker, they are reliable and the TEs they mention do show on my traffic sources, so they walk their talk, so for me is a better way to surf without clicking from time to time, if anyone is interested on testing. Skydestiny 1 Quote http://thedreamlifestyleforyou.com/images/468x60-a6.jpg
wiz666 Posted January 15, 2016 Report Posted January 15, 2016 Your splash has to be unique and captivating to get any results. You must grab attention in about 5 seconds. Bruno Duarte 1 Quote Free Money Leverage -- training and income builder. CLICK HERE
cozy421 Posted January 21, 2016 Report Posted January 21, 2016 If you can find a way to scale then I vote not a waste of time. If you're talking about just clicking for yourself, one click at a time then yes, that imo is a waste. Bruno Duarte 1 Quote
oldbuddy Posted February 1, 2016 Report Posted February 1, 2016 Like anything else online, if you concentrate on one good source and learn all you can about it, so you can share what you learn with others who are wandering, THEY STILL WORK. If you follow what the traffic exchange owners tell you and surf several at a time, you don't begin to see what is there for you. I only use ONE exchange daily and never spend my credits to have my page shown, but I still get referrals for all kinds of projects. The biggest problem is too many people are in such a rush, they never pause to smell the MONEY! Quote
celiacoach Posted February 1, 2016 Report Posted February 1, 2016 I think you could get a lot of interest if you made a course that taught people 'How to Smell the Money', oldbuddy! oldbuddy 1 Quote http://internet-marketing-site.com
oldbuddy Posted February 1, 2016 Report Posted February 1, 2016 I think you could get a lot of interest if you made a course that taught people 'How to Smell the Money', oldbuddy!The problem is most of them would be too busy to read it. Quote
lele10000 Posted February 2, 2016 Report Posted February 2, 2016 I have found that with promoting PTC programs the best option for advertising themwould have to be in specified places. Those places are in the same nature as they are (paid to Click).I have found out that some traffic exchanges do work well with them however. I have been working withptc programs and I have had my struggles. I have now learned to focus on the sites that advertise these websites.Those are the most beneficial. Also, you still have to watch for seeing the same ads within these sites. If you see yourprogram being advertised back to back . That says to me that you may want to place another one of your links there.Your PTC program is not unique to that website and 9 times out of 10 you may not get anyone to sign up. The potentialswill likely be clicking just to click and not really be seeking an opportunity. Great topic. Quote " Keep your eye on the prize and you will succeed." April Pad Affiliate/Writing Contest Give The Gift Of Love To A Loved One
oldbuddy Posted February 2, 2016 Report Posted February 2, 2016 I have found that with promoting PTC programs the best option for advertising themwould have to be in specified places. Those places are in the same nature as they are (paid to Click).I have found out that some traffic exchanges do work well with them however. I have been working withptc programs and I have had my struggles. I have now learned to focus on the sites that advertise these websites.Those are the most beneficial. Also, you still have to watch for seeing the same ads within these sites. If you see yourprogram being advertised back to back . That says to me that you may want to place another one of your links there.Your PTC program is not unique to that website and 9 times out of 10 you may not get anyone to sign up. The potentialswill likely be clicking just to click and not really be seeking an opportunity. Great topic.That's why you need to learn to create your own UNIQUE presentation pages so you catch more interested prospects attention. Quote
captkirk Posted February 8, 2016 Report Posted February 8, 2016 Hi Kurt, My first success with FREE advertising came from using TE's. Would you believe, that I was making direct sales from them selling Clickbank products. This was at a time when most veteran marketers, Top Promoters, and Gurus said that they was a waste of time. This was during the time when Clickbank use to send notification of sales made by affiliates and I got a lot of notifications of sales made. I didn't use no splash pages, no squeeze pages... I promoted the sales page and made sale after sale... Skydestiny and rivaal 2 Quote Tommie Kirkland (Captkirk) Here... SUBMIT ADS 4 FREE - I SIGNED-UP 433+ MEMBERS SINCE JUNE 29, 2022 - 100% FREE!
randomcash Posted February 23, 2016 Report Posted February 23, 2016 Hard to believe lol!I ain't saying you are lying here. I'm just curious! Heck what were you promoting? Quote We will blast your offer at no cost if you join our team!LG offers and any other particular future income streams!>>>> WATCH THE VIDEO <<<<
captkirk Posted February 23, 2016 Report Posted February 23, 2016 Hard to believe lol!I ain't saying you are lying here. I'm just curious! Heck what were you promoting? Hi Randomcash, LOL, I'm not lying, I was selling ClickBank products. Quote Tommie Kirkland (Captkirk) Here... SUBMIT ADS 4 FREE - I SIGNED-UP 433+ MEMBERS SINCE JUNE 29, 2022 - 100% FREE!
Steve Man Posted March 20, 2016 Report Posted March 20, 2016 Hi David there are good quality exchanges housed under one roof at Referral Frenzy see my sig file below. You can mail them from one template speeding the whole process up. The mailer is for Safelists and Traffic Exchanges . Quote To Your SucessSteve Man Take your marketing to the next level with Referral Frenzy.http://tinyurl.com/frenzy8048
preciousns Posted May 3, 2016 Report Posted May 3, 2016 I use TE to also get referrals and downlines. When I first started I didn't really get anywhere, but I now I understand that the best way to make TE's work is to either have an eye-catching landing page which just requires an email, or to use them for referrals. I definitely think there's still a place for TE's, you've just got to know how to use them wisely. Quote ==>
davepilgrim Posted June 12, 2016 Report Posted June 12, 2016 The ratio of the pages you browse to the displays of your page is so bad that I personally never have time for it.Depends which TEs you use. I surf Dark Hits almost daily. It has a 1:1 ratio and a 5 second timer if you're a free member, so you're getting one visit to your splash/squeeze page for every site you view... and with a well designed, attention-grabbing page, five seconds is easily enough time. Quote For Affiliate and Digital Marketing Tips, Visit My Blog Here
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